
Why do we people scare of insects?

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Insects are small. And we are bigger than them. IN reality insects are scared of us because we are bigger than them. But why are we still scare of insects? Animals like elephant, tiger, lion, and wolf, they not afraid of us at all. So why are we scare of insects?




  1. mosquitoes bite and cause malaria.

    ticks cause lyme disease which can kill you.

    flies live in garbage and when it sits on your food, you'll become sick.  

    bees and wasps sting you without mercy.

    don't mess with insects, dude.

  2. I think because of the stingers on them, but I love insects I think they are very interesting, also girly-girls don't like the "blood sucking insects" I bet you know how that is, I'm surrounded by girly girls. I say people need to suck it up and deal with it.

  3. b/c they look rather odd looking and they just kinda crawl on you out of no where

  4. the smaller they are, the easier it is for them to crawl into your ear and eat your brain

  5. Because they sting us in self-defence, and transfer illnesses and general unpleasantness in the way of itches and redness.

    Plus, moths are just plain scary. The feelers, the legs, the rapidly flapping feathery wings, the way they tap against the glass windows.... Ugh, my skin is crawling.

  6. you bring an interesting point..

    I am an Aracnaphobian though.. lol

  7. because they can cause harmful diseases like some vectors Anopheles and Aedes they can cause malaria and yellow fever to humans.Culex another mosquito causes filariasis and other diseases r plague,sleeping sickness and kala azar.

  8. some people are wussys and sisys,but some bugs are dangerous b/c they bite n causes deadly diseases,other are deadly such as scorpions n black widow spider xp

  9. Because they are gross and can fly and run and attack you. And some of them can bite you. And they are just really gross all together. But I have an extreme fear of any and all insects.

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