
Why do we plant seeds in cells or trays before repotting or transplanting, etc?

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why not just sow them straight into the individual pots or trays they will eventually go into? i know indoor growing is often needed first, but why these different stages?




  1. To help the grow strong and give them the best start in life.

    keeping them inside when they are delicate will ensure more of them survive.

    When they get "hardy" take them outside for the space, air, water, etc.

    Frost can damage a delicate plant, but one that has grown more will be ok to survive frost.

  2. Well firstly - some seeds need a fine compost to germinate, especially if your soil has large particles.  Also, young seedlings are susceptible to slugs and snails but when they are a bit older, the slugs and snails mightnt find them as tasty.  Finally - some seeds need the warmth from indoors to germinate successfully.  Some plants can be grown directly outdoors - just depends on the plant and your local climate.

  3. There are a number of practical reasons for doing this:

    1. When you sow a batch of seeds, not all will be viable or produce healthy plants, so you needn't waste a lot of time with hundreds of pots each for one plant, you simply prick out the ones which have germinated and are growing well.

    2. Some seeds such as Lobelia and poppy are tiny - it's really hard to plant them individually, so you start off a whole lot together and when they germinate you get something manageable.

    3. Seedlings don't need much space, but often need good soil or sometimes special conditions (dark, refrigeration). It is quite cheap to fill a seed tray or cells with really good seed compost and then transfer them when they are strong healthy plants. It would be expensive to do this with several large pots and almost impossible to fill a fridge with 30 pots if you needed to.

    Having said all of this, there are plenty seeds that will germinate easily outside - I have a whole batch of lupins sown directly and I often grow summer plants in pots by sowing them directly. However, lots of plants will also get taken by pests if they are not allowed to grow to a certain size first.

  4. plants are like babys would not stuck them in school day they were born, plants need same loving care one step at a time

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