
Why do we point fingers at Islamic countries and say that they are run by extremists when apparently HALF of?

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this country want to elect radical Christian leaders?




  1. Don't you understand?  Muslim extremists are bad.  Christian extremists are good.  Or so we've been told time and time again.  I don't get it though.  Apparently I'm stupid or something.  

    Maybe if I bang my head against a brick wall a few dozen times it will make sense to me.

  2. Don't forget the extremists in power right now.

    They see their own point of view as absolutely, unquestionably correct, and therefore it can never be too extreme.  Only views they disagree with are capable of being extreme.  

  3. Christianity brings freedom.  Islam brings oppression.

  4. Hypocrites.

  5. Why don't you move to another country ?   If you are close enough I will drive you to the airport.

  6. Same with America. Terrorists hate America because what the government has done, and innocent people pay for it, even if they don't believe in any of these choices! When someone sees a leader, they imagine everyone under them has the same point of views and beliefs. That's how it is.

  7. I always wondered that...

    I come from a Muslim family... and I lived in the Middle East for a long time...

    I'm an American, and personally I'm an atheist...

    I want to say that the people there and the people here are EXACTLY the same in every way... most everyone has a similar religiously based mentality...

    Christians and Muslims are exactly alike, because they are from the same place... and the effects of both ideologies are similar on human judgment...  

  8. because its just hypocrisy

  9. If you can't see the difference between the two then I can't help you.

  10. Your argument is the sort of argument that has no understanding of differences in degree. And differences in degree are EVERYTHING.

    It reminds me of the sort of vapid arguments one used to hear in the Cold War era. People would point out that we have serious injustices here in America, and then imply that that meant that there was no difference between this country and countries where they have to post armed guards on the borders and shoot everybody who tries to escape. But you never saw any of these people leave this country and go live in a communist country. And the ones who did (Eldridge Cleaver and Lee Harvey Oswald come to mind) were d**n sorry they did.

    It's no different today. Sure, we have problems here in America, but I'll bet you would never go live in a Muslim country. And the people who do want to get out. 90% of the world's immigrants are Muslims. They don't want to live in a Muslim country, so why should I?

  11. I think it is an extremely vocal minority that is pressing for radical christian leaders. Then again, who would have thought David Duke would get any votes for a  congressional seat.  

  12. And just less than half want baby murdering latte white WHINE limousine liberals? Who call themselves what you hate?

  13. You answered your own question "half" I'm sure the other half doesn't.

  14. that what we call them stereotyped kind of people my friend. don't worry

  15. Christian.. Muslim.. Who can tell the difference?  They both believe in god, satan, heaven, h**l, prayer, afterlife, souls..  They smell the same to me!

  16. try this my friend:

    point at something. now, look at your hand.

    one finger is aimed at whatever you pointed at, correct?

    and three fingers are pointing right back at you, aren't they?

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