
Why do we put so much importance on a candidates family life? ?

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Why do we care so much about Palin's daughter being pregnant? Why did we care so much about Bill Clinton having sexual experiences with other women? Wouldn't our time and energy be better spent on the issues instead of petty things?




  1. Some candidates run their campaign on "family values" and morality. McCain and Palin are two candidates who have tried to capture voters this way. That's not to say that Obama's campaign hasn't tried to look family friendly as well, but Obama isn't in the midst of a scandal which threatens to undermine his credibility as a family man.

    McCain has a shaky marriage, and Palin has recently received the same publicity that Britney Spears' mom did when the media discovered her unwed teenage daughter was pregnant. If that kind of publicity can stop her from publishing a book about parenting, imagine what it might do for the McCain/Palin campaign.

  2. I think that in some way we never got over the idea of a monarchy - we want our leaders to be supermen, and superwomen.

    Sad, but true.

  3. Because it's a big part of their character if they can't handle their own family life, then I really couldn't trust them with the whole country's fate in their hands , right? think about it?

  4. Rove /McCain opened a 'pandora box' by starting attacks on personalities rather than issues. They are reaping what they sowed.

  5. I agree. Every candidate or better yet human, makes mistakes in their lives. Just because you are running for an office or hold an office, doesn't mean you are not entitled to mistakes. No ones family behavior is perfect. These are private issues. I could see if it was an aggressive violent crime committed, then we should be leary of who we support. I am more concerned with the issues that will affect my life and my daughters life that the candidates are willing to make the right choices on. Not what issues happened in their homes. The only thing that I can say about Palin's situation is that she stands for things that she shouldn't. Sexual education and things of that nature. If she knows by experience that these are issues beyond a parents control, why close an avenue that could potentially help children where a parent can not? She is out of touch.

  6. Its the notion that if you can't control your household how can you run the nation.

    If president X had a drug addicted son, a teenage pregnant daughter, and alcoholic wife, and another child who has been arrested for stealing several times you have to ask yourself if this person is really in control.

    I Palins case, she says abstinence ONLY (it didn't work for her kid, why would it work for me).

    Clinton's action showed lack of forethought and restraint.  Not something you want in a leader.

  7. Yes

    Be careful.

    Questions such as yours ( and mine yesterday) are being deleted.

    The nasty kids on YA don;t like such questions.

  8. because we want to really know if they're up for the job, and if any past experiences will stop them from being the best they can be

    also, they are 'celebrities' now so people will want to know EVERYTHING about them.

  9. If they cannot run a wholesome family, they surly wont run the country very well either.

  10. So it is only important if it is Clinton? Please. Before you start, Clinton was right. What he had wasn't "s*x" under laws of many states.  

  11. I don't put importance on a candidate's family life.  I focus on other things.  See my source?  That kind of stuff is more important.  

  12. It's a window into their character. A man who would take advantage of a young girl in the way that Bubba did shows that he has very little integrity. If the CEO of a company had such a relationship with a low-level intern he'd be fired immediately, and everyone would agree that he's an idiot.

    Palin's daughter being pregnant is a reflection on the choice that her daughter made.

    There is a huge difference.


  13. Clinton because he did it in the oval office. Also he was the president and as commander and cheif he has a obligation to live up to the same rules our troops are put under.

    Palin....just because dems want a negative piece on the rep side.

  14. Desperation causes mud-slinging

  15. I guess your own personal ability to lead a family and to handle responsibility may indicate how well you will lead a country. Obama has said, though, to place no importance on this issue and to leave Palin's family alone.  

  16. Exactly!  Do u want someone in charge of the country if they have that much personal baggage?  I know I don't.  OBAMA all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!111

  17. thats your prerogative.  dont pay attention to that sort of drama.  i focus on this big picture instead of little, useless incidents.  

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