
Why do we read books?!?!?!?

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So... why do we read books?

To get smarter?

To disappear into a different world?

... cause we NEED to?

- Doing an essay on this subject... and be great to hear some thoughts and ideas =] ... THANKS!




  1. many reasons:

    for enjoyment

    for intellectuality

    for school

    for learning


  2. To me a book is just a movie in another form.  I love movies so I think reading books is the next best thing if I'm not or can't watch a movie.  They also do make you think about things and take you to another place.  Hope you can use that.

  3. I had to laugh at the first responders answer.  To me, movies secondary to books.  The books are always much better.

    Anyway, I prefer fiction.  I read for the thrill of a good story, well writen and well crafted.  If a book doesn't grab me in the first chapter it get's the boot.

    As a side not, I thinks e-books never caught on because they are not as portable, convenient, easy to access or comfortable as a paper book.  A paper book can go anywhere, requires no batteries and you can easily flip back and forth without loosing your spot.

    I LOVE books.  It is the best (and cheapest) form of entertainment in existance.  Where else can you get 3 days of entertainment for such a low price.

  4. Reading is fun. It makes us think about people and situations that are different than us. Plus it's s**y!

  5. That all depends on the book.

    I find fictional books make me use my imagination.  As I am reading, I picture the scene in my head, what their wearing, what the weather is like, the scenery, and the emotions involved.  It is all my interpretation.  When watching a movie, I am actually watching someone else's imagination.  It is fascinating how we  interpret a novel in different ways.  Sometimes we are on the same page.  No pun intended :)

    Hope this helps.  Good luck.

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