
Why do we reward people for being irresponsible?

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Take morality out of it - is there an economic reason we reward people who don't contribute to our system?

Food stamps, "earned-income" tax credits, welfare, FIP, rent assistance, tax breaks for having more kids, free higher-education for single mothers, etc...

Shouldn't we be rewarding those who are productive rather than those who make poor decisions? For example, I had to pay over $100,000 for my college education (not including room and board) while a single mother could get free rent, free food, welfare, AND free education at the same school. Where is the justice in that?

What incentive is there for people to be responsible and not have children when they can get everything for free? You're right - I am mad. Mad that we reward mistakes and punish responsibility.




  1. In a way, you're looking at this from the wrong direction and making assumptions (some moral) yourself.

    Culturally, it is not acceptable to be homeless in the United States; it's barely acceptable to be poor.  In some countries, homelessness is not so jarring and the people are more "ok" with it.  Not the case here.  

    The point is that, in the case of those with kids, it's not ok to let the kids suffer because their parents have trouble providing their basic needs, for whatever reason(s).  Would you suggest that these children go hungry, or that the government gives them something, which is probably pretty meager to begin with?

    I have a sh*t-ton of student loans too, but I'd never make a comparison between myself and a mother with starving children.  Furthermore, I wouldn't call welfare a "reward" by any means.  If you remember, Clinton made sure that welfare runs out; it's not a reward, but rather help in the time of need, while people are trying to get jobs, get on their feet, etc.

    Your additional details are even more disturbing...having a child = free college?  Where did you get that?

    Ultimately, if you're doing what you need to do to rise up in the world, I'm not sure why you're so concerned about the help that those who are struggling are receiving.  Times are hard, and there's really no need to be so insensitive.  If you want to switch places with a person on welfare, I'm sure most would be glad to do so!  What it boils down to is the fact that we're talking about fellow Americans, and more importantly, fellow human beings.  If I have to pay a little more in taxes so that the government can do something about the 50%+ children living below the poverty level, I think I can spare it, even though I struggle to cover my student loans (despite having graduated 2 years ago from an 'ivy league' institution).  Sure some people abuse the system, but this does not comprise the majority of people on welfare.

    You have opportunities open to you that a lot of people don't get, whether they try or not.  Perhaps you should focus on that...they're going to take your taxes anyway, and parts of it are going to go toward things you don't agree with anyway...I'd rather pay for Americans to eat than for Bush to have Americans kill Iraqi's, personally.  At the end of the day, people need help, and it's really b*tchy to disparage the sentiment behind "aid" and to twist it into a discourse that somehow compares you to the needy, and terms financial aid (in this case) a "reward".

  2. Because govt. workers would be unemployed otherwise.  Every govt. paycheck is a welfare check to the unemployable and the unskilled.  

  3. This is one reason why I am against progressive tax, a tax which increases as your income increases (and if your income is increasing, chances are you are being very productive with your life). You are correct. Take morality out of the situation and there are no reasons whatsoever to support people on the lower hierarchy who just want to breed, eat and complain.  

  4. Simply put, not everyone who has fallen upon hard times did so because of their irresponsibility.  If you have paid attention to the current state of the economy, you know that even people with six figure incomes with professional careers are losing their homes and finding themselves in financial distress.  We live in a country, thankfully, that helps its citizens better themselves when they cannot afford to do so, so hopefully they will become contributing members of society.  

    You are assuming too much with your question.  And you come off as a classist and how is that moral?

  5. for some1 who's paid over $100K in education... i would have to say ur pretty ignorant...

    seriously dude... grow up!!

    u were able 2 afford ur education, so deal with it...

    if you feel like u didn't wanna pay a cent for ur education... then how about u become one of those statistics u just mentioned?

    not every1 has the same economical status u had... not every1 is as conceited and gets everything they want... life is not color pink for every1 like it is for u....

    if you are so smart as u think u r... then think about that no matter how much free food, clothing and whatever poor people might get.. they will never have a meal like urs, nor they will ever be able 2 afford a place like urself, nor they will be able 2 afford things they want and they will always struggle to get what they want....

    unlike u, everything is so easy... and if u think that those rewards are enough for them 2 live the way u live... then how about u quit everything u've worked for and become one of the statistics?

  6. So you want to live in a dirt poor country? Because that is what will happen if we stop taking care of the poor. I think free education for single mothers (and fathers) is a great idea. You would rather these single parents be stuck in the welfare system their whole lives? It is far more expensive to pay out welfare for ones entire life than it is to pay for their higher education and help them to become self sufficient.

    Congratulations to you on the ability to pay for your own education, I too am paying for my own, but I refuse to be so selfish as to want to deny someone else a better life just because they needed a lift and I didn't.

  7. this is very true .. and I get mad at it all the time especially around school time when I am trying to gather up money to go to school. those who are responsible get screwed over by those who decided not to do things right and somehow get rewarded for their lack of responsibility and then we who are responsible have to pay for those consequences.. then everyone around us tries to tell us don't have babies or do drugs, that will be bad for you.. but no wonder some girls have millions of kids one after another, because the government is willing to support their lack of responsiblity. those who do things the right way indeed do get punished, cause we have the grades and the brains to get through and those who are irresponsible manage to get everything for free meanwhile we have to struggle, i'm not saying we should get everything for free but we are entitled to get some type of help also and be rewarded for making smart choices.  

  8. 'Cuz it makes us feel okay about being irresponsible ourselves?

  9. Destroying has it exactly.

    Don't be so close-minded.


    You're being close-minded because you're assuming that everyone that uses these resources are using them because they're irresponsible. That is most certainly not always the case. Get over yourself and be grateful that you've never been in this situation.

    Oh by the way, my father died when I was 12. My mom received help so she could finish up her college degree in teaching, stop being a stay at home mom, and SUPPORT my brother and me, and be able to help send us to college. I would hardly call that irresponsibility. You're clearly an idiot.

    I'm on food stamps right now because I'm a volunteer, and I get paid at below poverty level. I work for an organization that fights poverty, and wants it's employees to know what it's like to be impoverished.

    But I'm irresponsible because I'm doing something good, and helping people and I need help putting food on the table?


    And who cares if single moms are able to get free money for college? Wouldn't you rather them get an education so they can get off welfare? Be sensible.

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