
Why do we say God bless you when someone sneeze in front of us?

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inspired by Gary's answer...;_ylt=AgjW7u4yQvfrMn6_nEInX4zsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080729072954AAhhtCc




  1. I don't think Philippines does that..

    I think its because long time ago there was a disease called black plague or something like taht in America and they say that it was evil so they starting to say God Bless You and also I had always heard that your heart stops briefly when you sneeze, so people ask God to bless you to make it start beating again! In todays society it's more of a courtesy thing than anything else.

  2. It is believed before that sneezing is a person's soul's way of rejecting the bad/evil spirit trying to enter their body. That's why people tell them 'Bless you...' when you sneeze.

    Hope this helps.

    Additional Info : We'll according to Wiki....

    In English-speaking countries, a common response to a sneeze by those around is "God bless you", or "Bless you". The origins and purpose of this tradition are unknown, and several competing explanations have been proposed over time; (1) Preventing the soul from departing one's body, as explained in the "Beliefs and Cultural Aspects" section above; (2) An effort to prevent possible death due to a lethal disease such as the plague pandemics of the fourteenth century; and (3) A method of protection against evil spirits entering the body through the open mouth of a sneezing individual.

  3. its a matter of expression, politely

  4. I say "God bless you" out of politeness.

  5. Tradition.

    Where would we be without our traditions?

    "Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,

    Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?

    And who has the right, as master of the house,

    To have the final word at home?

    The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.

    The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.


    Who must know the way to make a proper home,

    A quiet home, a kosher home?

    Who must raise the family and run the home,

    So Papa's free to read the holy books?

    The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!

    The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!"

    And who must say "God Bless" when Maej sneezes?

    It's Gary.   It's Gary!   Tradition!   Tradition!

  6. zzz... because it means that the person in front of you is still alive and not one of those "i see dead people" thing. hmmm.... beer... zzz...

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