
Why do we say hello as soon as we pick up phone?

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Why do we say hello as soon as we pick up phone?




  1. I called my brothers place after he allowed his girlfriend and her family move in. Her mother answered, who is speaking.?What a you know what! I think Hello is the way way to great people.

  2. What would you suggest?

    "Um...I was in the middle of doing something else just now. Who is it and what do you want?"


  3. its probably how things were started when the phone was first invented, people saying hello? out of disbelief that someone was actually talking to them from so far away. if it really bothers you, you could try "speak" or "hey" or "yo" or "who's this" or anything else you can think of...answering the phone with random things can be funny

  4. Well, it's a custom U.S. greeting. And we do it to let people know we're there.

  5. Because it wouldn't be as friendly to say good bye!

  6. Hello? Herro?

  7. WoW.

    i would not expect anyone to ask that question unless they were COMPLETE morons.

  8. Evolution. But you could also say "you're so good looking!"

  9. we are naturaly polite

  10. Because we want to know whos on the other side.........

  11. because it is a short greeting to to person on the other end of the phone

  12. just to see if we are not talking to a dead person on the other end !


  13. Not everyone does.

    I guess for those that do, it is because they are willing to answer, but unsure who it is, or what they want to say, hence the interrogative tone to the "hello" opening.

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