
Why do we see more Shamata ,ie, grudge , in Egypt these days ?How can we fight it ?

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Why do we see more Shamata ,ie, grudge , in Egypt these days ?How can we fight it ?




  1. Muslims should never hold grudges. it is forbidden for a Muslim to do so.  

  2. You say : " How can we fight it ? "

    I say : Don't try to "fight" it, you should rather "remedy" it.

    The remedy : treat people with good manners and morals, they  will not hate you.

    (come on, choose me as the best answer !!)

  3. In Egypt this days there is a lack of Love between people.

    Its hard to fight it, but at least we can start by ourselves.

  4. its not just in Egypt.. its world wide..

    but in Egypt people are frustrated with the circumstances we live in, prices raises, salary's still the same, not get the simplest right for them, cant get clean water to drink, not enough food, medical care, education... and the list never ends..

    Egypt is passing through the worst time ever and you may agree with me as an Egyptian living in Egypt..

    but still we love it and we hope that "el 3'omma de tenza7 ba2a " and that end soon..  

  5. there are some personal factors:

    sometimes when people are incapable of enhancing their way of life (education and financial status) they tend to acknowledge others' failure because it makes them feel more relief about themselves. and feeling false superiority.

    actually feeling Superior or inferior are both negative emotions and destroy him after all.

    This could be traced back to the way young youth used to be raised with, when parents tend to adopt the method of comparing their achievements to their peers, in order to motivate them, however they just frustrate them and make them feel happy when those peers don’t do well, so they will not get compared to them again.

    so i think someone should focus on his own path of life and define his own scale of achievements and not compare himself to others. unless to discover other ways of success and how much this applies to him.


    there are some other socio-cultural effects too:

    some related to the way young youth used to be raised with, when parents tend to adopt the method of comparing their achievements to their peers, in order to motivate them, however they just frustrate them and make them feel happy when those peers don’t do well, so they will not get compared to them again.

    the rich always want to find a way to define themselves as the  rich, and others are not. they try to do this through possessing certain brands that are known to be luxuries regardless that they can get the same luxury for a less price..

    and then we find this can traced in weddings festivals and who is going to sing and dance, and in which 5-7 stars hotel... and others from less finical statues try to coop with the trend and at the end they hurt themselves..

    in both positions what frustrates me that people join these festivals not to share happiness with the groom and the pride as much as to judge them socially!!! (it is considered grudge to me)

    and to fight this we the media has the biggest task to change its focus on materialistic things and focus more on peoples manner and knowledge: if you noticed in all romantic movies the actor is always living in a villa with a swimming pool (not even a simple town house) and always drives a BMW or 4X4 and not a 128..

    some series are direct for very rich people like (el daly, seket el helely and so on) and i find these series as a competition of the latest trends in classic suits.

    stop the kind of real-state ads as i think it only make people feel worse. or at least they should provide residential units with prices in hand of the majority. there must be a percentage in every residential compound for middle and under middle classes. or a percentage of the profits dedicated for such projects.

    we have to do things related to us, so people will be more integrated with their identity. i don’t mean to make them un ambitious, but at least to respect people.

    one of the movies i liked the most and could relate to my answer was "Cut and paste" (kas we lazk) by sherif mounir and hanan turk.

    also an important factor is to develop governmental education system, because the main problem in egypt that level of income determines the level of education system the kids will get, and as a result this will affect their way of thinking, their chances to get hired in multi-national firms, and as a result the split between the classes deepens.

    i mean sometimes the way we deal with how we choose shools or colleges is almost the way we deal with possissing a car or an apratment in acoumpound. to reflect a social image.

    and this increase grudge when some can not do it. so he is still with us!!

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