
Why do we see so much bullshit about Brazil from the American television?

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. Your journalists count on your ignorance about Latin America to create a stigmatized caricature of our country. Brazil is one of the largest economies of the planet. Our country is richer than Russia and Italy. Our quality of life is considered high, better than in China, for example. But we always see all kind of bullshit from your channels, like CNN. For example, saying that brazilians live in shanty-towns is a joke. Only 3,5% of our population lives in that conditions, according to IBGE (Brazilian statistics institute). The majority of brazilian population is middle class, and 87% lives in cities, and not in the middle of the jungle, like some greengos journalists say.




  1. I think it'll be better (for you and everyone else) if you stop worrying about what others think of Brasil, especially Americans.  Really, what you say is true... Brasil is a great country (people, culture, etc).  But, even if it is a great country, it has problems like any other country.  So, you don't need to attack others or worry so much about what others think of Brazil.  Really, it's better to spend less time criticizing others.  And, of course, don't believe everything you watch on TV.  It doesn't represent reality 100% of the time.  And, Brasilian news is just as bad with these things.  It is very biased against USA, Bush, etc.

    Boa noite e abrcs.

  2. Do YOU watch brazilian television or read the newspapers?  They are far more critical of your country.  Why are you so concerned about what Americans think of Brazil?

    I wonder how objective you (or IBGE)  can be when you say only 3.5% of the population live in shantytowns.

    While perhaps 20% of brazilians may enjoy a 'high quality of life'  80% of the population lives at or below poverty levels.

  3. 1 - you spelled "gringo" wrong.

    2 - sorry to say, but ALOT of our people live in the favleas (which are even more dangerous than iraq war zones) and crime is Huge all over the country in our country. so youre telling me someone made this up ?

  4. I am Brazilian and stop criticizing the Brasil, that you don't worry more with your country to invest to worry about my

  5. omg....vai dormir cara...

    Se Brasil fosse tudo isso q vc falou,espero que vc tenha muita sorte neste pais que nao dah valor ao seu povo....

    Estados Unidos ao menos trata seu povo com muito respeito,assim como os imigrantes tb sao tratados,principalmente os que nao devem nada a justica....


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