
Why do we spend so much of money for organising Olympics?

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We need competitions, we need sports but not waste of money to show one's wealth and power. We can do even without all that fanfare. There are millions starving and without basic eminities.




  1. sports to make world one, people those who dont have basics eminities its due to corrupt govt or people , not due to lack of money

  2. to show other countries how much money we have... thats all

  3. it's scandalous and horrific the amount countries spend to host the olympics. there's one simple answer as to why they do it though. it's to show off. can you imagine how many starving people they can feed, how many sick people they can help make better or cure, how many schools they can put up, how many homes or shelters they can build for the homeless, with that kind of money? it's a stupid world. i can't say that enough.  

  4. I understand your position, however I think the Olympics are more then just sports.  It's about the world coming together once every 4 years to be as one, it's about unity as a whole with some healthy competition.  I have to say I do agree and understand what you are saying to an extent but this is one every 4 years, we as humans deserve it.  We go through floods, earthquakes, war, genocide  and homicide, for 17 days every 4 years we can forget about all that, I guess the world needs some time off from time to time as well.  

  5. i think this will give oppertunity  for corruption.

  6. Because despite everything going on in the world, it unites the countries together.

  7. Why are you typing on a computer right now, wasting tons of electricity when there are children out there that can't afford water. Shame on you.


  8. I understand your concerns, but to preparing for the biggest sporting event in the world will obviously cost money- if you think of it, it helps the economies of many countries and it is one of the only things that brings the whole world together in one common thing! I'm sure you can see how important that is? Further more, the olympics have created a lot of jobs for a lot of unemployed people in China. However, I do agree that more should be done to help the poor help themselves.

  9. All spend as per pocket. All spend on special occasions. Rich always spend. We spend a lot of marrige, on birthday, on festival. It is common. I can go by bus but I spend on petrol in big car.

  10. yes but the question is where does the money go? it goes into the pockets of lots of builders etc and then they go and spend the money on clothes and food for themselves and the merchants get some money and so on...  so the money is not wasted just because it is "spent"

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