
Why do we stick our noses into Russia's business?

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To me, this invasion of Georgia by Russia would be similar to the scenario I will draw out here. Let's say that twenty years ago Texas (it doesn't have to be Texas, I am just using it as an example because it's so big) was allowed to secede from the USA. Now lets say that the people in the panhandle region (the equivalent of South Ossetia in Georgia) really identify themselves as Americans and they want to be back as part of America. Now lets say that those people are not treated well by the Texans because of this. Then America says it's time to do something about those people who are part of us at heart and are living oppressed by another regime. Wouldn't it suck if Russia (all the way on the other side of the freaking world) sided with Texas and said that we can't help people of our own kin who want to be with us?

Sure, I understand that Russia should have brought this to the attention of the UN. But we all know that the UN is a feeble body that never seems to agree to anything of substance.

I don't believe that Russia is starting back on a path of world conquest here.

I think the USA should find another way to "protect itself from Iran" than putting missiles batteries up so close to Russia as to cause them discomfort.

Why is it always our business to get into everyone else's business?




  1. My country right or wrong can lead to a lot of self delusion.

  2. Let's say, Americans (at least those who rule the country) are afraid of Russia and use any possibility to weaken it. The whole affair with Georgia starting from 2002 was used by Americans to destabilize the region and, if possible, to reduce Russian influence in the Caucasus. Right now the war is used with the same purpose and justice and international law have nothing to do with it. Cause if they had to do something with that, the USA would have to defend Russia (politically, I mean), not Georgian aggressors.


    I know, you guys don't like the truth but this is democracy and I will tell you the truth even if you can't digest it.

  3. Brilliant question.  Well done.  Now can you start getting more of your fellow countrymen to ask these questions?  They might still decide to get involved- there's no doubt that it's justified sometimes- but at least it would be a considered decision.

    Edit- Hippie Jesus you're right, though I'd say that America isn't one of the strongest but the strongest country in the world and that seems to be even more of a reason to be careful about what you get involved in.  And as to getting the **** out, you may have the right to tell me to leave The US but, along with many other people on here, I'm not in The US.  I'm in my own country commenting on international issues.

  4. OIL

  5. ok, we'll just leave them to destroy people homes and kill kids parents, cus that would be so much better than offending russia

  6. Because we are one of the strongest nations on Earth, we are involved with many countries for different reasons, and we need to keep up on everything to stay that way. If you don't like the way our country operates, you can get the **** out.

  7. U.S. officers helped calibrating georgian missiles that hit southern Ossetia.

    So, yes, the USA stick it's nose even more than suggested in the first place.

    Today, tensions between the USA and Russia made the price of oil increase...again. Both gain from it. A nice entertainment show they are putting in place. Both of them knwo how it's going to end from the very beginning.

  8. The problem is, we have a twisted, demented gang of cutthroats in charge of the asylum known as the nation's capital these days.  They duck and hide whenever someone demands they explain what the h**l makes the USA the world's policeman.  And of course, they're desperate to distract the public from ongoing efforts to hold them criminally accountable for the incredible amount of blatantly illegal and unconstitutional behaviors they've engaged in over the past seven and a half years...

  9. Sure?

    Look in the real world.

    Not just beating tin cans?

    Luke 9.25,55-560

    What do you think?

  10. I agree, i think the only the reason we are in anyone else's business is because of Bush. He can't stand not have all of america scared. Sometimes i think he strives on all ours fear, for his sick amusememt.

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