One-fourth of US corn production now goes to producing ethanol (the US produces nearly half of worldwide ethanol). The corn could be used for livestock feed or the land used to grow the corn most people eat, providing food for millions. Worldwide, 12% of corn production now goes into ethanol processing plants, depite the fact it's a very poor way to produce ethanol.
Corn-based ethanol yields at most 25% more energy than it takes to produce, while sugarcane, sugar beets and others are much better and switchgrass yields 540% more energy than is used to produce it. And switchgrass doesn't require prime farmland, marginal land that is now kept out of use by the USDA could be planted, it's renewable and doesn't require replanting, requires much less water and care than corn and is much more disease and pest-resistant.
But there's no switchgrass lobby and our politicians are too stupid and greedy to make rational decisions. How do we change this?