
Why do we study history??????????????

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Why do we study history??????????????




  1. to learn and not repeat mistakes our and other countries have made in the past. and to learn what works and what doesn't Would you like another WWII?

  2. Because history repeats itself as we're all about to see...

  3. That was the first question I was asked when I sat down in my World History Class. We study history so we don't repeat our past failures and so we can widen our knowledge of the world. History gives us an insight into the past so we can build a better future. It helps us see what shaped us to be the way we are now. That's basically a synopsis of the answer, but you get the idea. Good luck!!

  4. History repeats itself. That's why.

  5. To learn from our mistakes. Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.

  6. History tends to repeat its self....

    It's nice to be savy enough to know the foundations of your country and the changes it has been through to get to where it is today.  

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