
Why do we study passive voice in english grammar?

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Why do we study passive voice in english grammar?




  1. Because it is entrenched as an essential part of the English language. It is used every day in conversation and written work. In technical writing, passive voice may be encountered more frequently than active. You should be taught all the aspects of the passive voice, and it should be used as one of the ways your thoughts are expressed.

    Many English teachers say the use of passive voice should be discouraged and that it should be replaced by active voice in all instances. That position should not be given serious consideration; the passive is too useful to be casually discarded.

  2. Paladin...that was very funny AND true!!

  3. Um, because it's a part of English grammar? Therefore it is studied along with the rest of English grammar?

  4. Rosa said it all. If you have not noticed, her whole answer is in passive voice. If you can use passive to express those thoughts, don't you think you ought to understand it?

  5. The use of passive voice means we place the recepient of the action in front of the sentence as a subject and the doer (person/thing that does the action) is places at the end. Sometimes receiver of the action is more important/ we are more concerned about the receiver/ recepient of the action OR we don't know exactly who/ what has done the action.

    So, in these situations we use passive structures. like we always say '30 people killed in riots' n not 'someone killed 30 people during the riots'. because we are immediately concerned about the people killed and also we don't know the killers!! passives are usually used in news items....

  6. so that when you get to college, the English profs have something to mark you off for

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