
Why do we support the Olympics in a country that allows dogs and cats to be brutally killed for fur and food?

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Haven't you heard. Do a quick search online, it's not hard to find numerous links to sites that show the grim truth of whats going on over there in China. And it's not all about wackjob groups like PETA, although they have links that show you whats going on over there too. I'm not a PETA supporter, but I agree this brutal dog and cat trade needs to end. It is barbaric and a disgrace to the human race, I don't care what country you are from! Here is one site, just as an example:




  1. Why do we support the Olympics in a country that kills prisoners?  Why do we support the Olympics in a country that pens geese and force feeds them?  Why do we support the Olympics in a country that almost decimated it's Aboriginal people?   Why do we support the Olympics in a country that supports the fur trade and the killing of seals?

    Oh, right - none of these things have to do with sport.  And another thing - if you want to not support the Olympics, good on ya.  But I find it very disturbing that none of the people who agree with this do not mention the vast human rights violations in China.  

  2. Because people's ways of eating have nothing to do with the most highly respected sport event ever created. Because we are also hypocrites in the USA too by killing millions of cows, pigs, goats, etc, and not by the most humane methods either, look at some of those videos.

    We eat animals, just like they do..stop humanizing dogs and cats and you will feel much better. Hope I helped!

    ADD: Kip's mom, are you serious, they have problems with human rights over there and you expect the mentally challenged here to consider humans over dogs?

  3. I don't support the Olympics. I don't even watch the Olympics. And I don't support China. I've watched those videos and they're sickening. One was of a Chinese man smashing a dog against the ground, hanging by its feet and skinning it while it was still alive. Yeah, that's humane. If they HAVE to have that fur, the least they could do is kill the animal first. It's awful. And then they eat the animal after it's dead. Hooray for China!! Start a petition?

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