
Why do we tend to forget more our successes, the little victories we had in life but very few of our failures?

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Why do we tend to forget more our successes, the little victories we had in life but very few of our failures?




  1. I think one can easily fall into this rut.  I've been there, first hand, and can understand how this can happen so easily if you are not careful.  It's easier to have a pity party than a party in your honor based on achievements in life. I think often while we are being raised, we are taught to avoid "bragging" too much.  After a while, we can forget how to pat ourselves on the back.  It usually takes a good swift kick in the derriere to stop this destructive mindset.  There remains, however, a fine line between self worth and inflated ego.  Also been there...ah, the lessons of much to learn and so little time...

  2. With me, failures are more educational. If I succeeded at something, I had everything going well, and I can do the same thing again without much difficulty. With failures, I need to think more about what all went wrong and find ways to do better next time, so that I can change failure into success.  

  3. because we r satisfied with our success and we focus on our failure and try to fix it or not to repeat it in the future  

  4. Because the failures are more strongly related to our emotions and when we are victorious at something we only think about it for a short time after we've succeeded but when we fail we will constantly think about it. So its just like revision for an exam... The more we think about it the longer we'll remember it.

  5. Because it is the failures that make us grow as human beings so that we can experience successes.  It's a cliche, but we do indeed learn from our mistakes.  If we don't, then we will never get along with our fellow human beings.  

  6. I think because I do not like to fail.  Failures are hard to accept.  So, I find I constantly analyze and revisit them trying to figure out how to avoid mistakes or improve so they do not happen again.  Rarely do I find it necessary to revisit victories.  


  7. because there are many more victories than failures.  i look at every minute i'm alive and well as a success and we tend to take that for granted.  we always want things to go well and when they do, we don't really appreciate that it did.  we never focus on how we just made it to work without getting in an accident but, will dwell on a ticket for weeks.  

    by the way, i just added u without your consent :X

    kick me :)

  8. because our failures are the stepping stones to our sucesses, focusing and remembering them keeps us grounded in our sucesses!♥

  9. our nature is to underestimate our success seeking bigger success.



  10. I guess our minds focus too much on the mistakes we make...if only we could learn from them and move on...but unfortunately, it's not that easy.

  11. We only do to ourselves what we do to other people. The opposite effect comes from deep forgiveness.


    Some people focus more on failure

    Some more on success

    Some can balance both.  

  13. Because we can learn and improve from our failures, we can find out what we did wrong and try to correct it in order to achieve greater successes. The little victories are less important than the failures because they don't give us as much to build on (however, they are not totally unimportant -sometimes we should also consider what we have done right).

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