
Why do we tip table servers, when all they do is bring your food to the table.?

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Why do we tip?




  1. They are in the service industry. Due to taxation, and the difficulty in opening a restaurant, owners use to pay their employees very little to minimize expenses. This would help them start up their restaurant. It was incoraged that patrons tip the person who serves him or her. It still continues today as we are all aware.

  2. Not only  is it their pay they do more than bring you your food they refill your drinks get your condiments run back an forth fiffty times because you forgot to tell them you needed something.

  3. I cannot believe you said all servers do is bring your food! What restaurant do you eat at? I am a server, and we do alot more than bring food, because if that was all my job entailed, it would be much easier. We SERVE YOU. Do you get your own drinks, clear your own plates, bring your own refills, get recooks or deal with the kitchen staff? No, that is what the server does for you. That is why you tip servers.

    I work at a very nice restaurant, and we make more than most servers, I am lucky. I make $4  per hour, plus tips. Think about the fact that they tax us on our tips, plus we tip out many people off of the tips that we receive. So next time you eat out and wonder why you tip the server, think about all the server has done, and if he/she hasn't done all those things, maybe you need to talk to the manager, but ALWAYS tip the server something.

  4. I don't tip by normal standards. I don't care for the lower minimum wage thing so I just supplement their hourly wage to bump it up to as if they were getting the correct minimum wage. I don't think its fair they can get more than a normal salary for bringing me food.

  5. Are you serious? Well the tip is their pay... many get paid below minimum wage hourly and it's from the tips where they make their money!

  6. TIP=To Insure Proper Service

  7. common courtesy. waitresses and waiters don't even make minimum wage. they do everything for you pretty much and help you so you should tip them.

  8. Incentive to be friendlier and more at your service.

    If they didn't work for tips they would just take your drink and meal order, serve it, and bring the bill without asking you if you need refills, if you need anything else, etc.

    Thats why i think it is stupid when restaurants automatically include tip because it defeats the purpose.

  9. i tip because i know they make less than minimum wage and they need my tips to survive.  i would feel like a douche if i didn't tip.  plus, i used to be a bartender and i know what it's like.

  10. If they didn't bring you your would you get it?


  11. You mean that person you only see once when they bring your dinner?  I believe in tipping, but I don't tip them.  Why?  Because I only tip my main server.  The one who suggested items, drinks, appetizers, took the order, checked back on us, got refills of soda or iced tea or beer, brought to-go boxes, and delivered the bill.  That's their table.  At the end of the night, that waitress/waiter has to tip out that runner, bartender, hostess, busboy, and dishwasher.  They'll all get their cut at the end of the night.

  12. Because they are saving you the effort of having to go get the food yourself. Plus, they offer suggestions and a little occasional entertainment. It's a luxury.

  13. You tip because they are offering you a service.  If it wasnt for them you would never get your food or refills on your drinks. Now granted some of them are really lazy about their jobs and dont do a good job so they dont deserve a good tip, but you still need to leave something due to the fact they arent making minium wage to do the job.

  14. Because servers get paid usually below the minimum wage and the tips they make help to compensate for that difference. Plus, they do the work of taking the order, giving it to the cook then bringing back the food all so the customers don't have to wait on themselves. A couple bucks is worth all the time on their feet.

  15. being a server is a personal service. there is good service and bad service. if all your server does is bring your food to the table, and you never see her again, don't tip. if she makes menu suggestions, tells you whats good and whats not, if she keeps your drink full all the time, if she clears your table of empty plates, if she makes your meal enjoyable, then she deserves a tip. there are different levels of service.

  16. Really? That's ALL they do?

    I wait tables, i make $3.50 an hour. Thats the way is is, always has been, always will be. That is how restaurants keep costs down, better to spend $$ on quality food, prep & chefs.

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