
Why do we tip when the employer pays you for doing a job?

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my question is why do we tip when the employer pays you for doing a job? even if you use you own car/bike?

how do you feel about tip jars in restaurants? (starbucks, ect....)

when is it ok not to tip?




  1. tips are reserved for people who do personal service for you.  Doormen, waiters, waitresses, bellmen, hairstylist.  they are a service industry and they expect payment for service.  if you don't' want to pay tips, do not patronize businesses that employ servers. You could also move to a country where it is not customary to tip.  

    I suggest you get a job that requires you to make tips.  it will teach you a lot.

  2. Some jobs pay less because a tip is expected.

    Waiters have their own minimum wage which is lower than everyone else’s.  And when they file their taxes they have to automatically pay taxes on 8% of the bills of their customers, no matter what their tips actually are.  That’s why you should always tip a waiter or waitress.  And that's why many places will automatically add in a gratuity if it's a large group.

    I used to deliver pizzas.  Delivery people are paid regular minimum wage, plus mileage if they use their own vehicle.  But you really should tip them too.  Most use their own vehicles, and unless they're mechanically inclined the price of keeping their car repaired and running will take a big chunk of their paycheck, way beyond what they are paid for mileage.

    Please note that delivery charges rarely go to the driver.  It's usually for the pizza place, to help pay the driver's hourly wage.

    And I did that job years ago, when gas prices were hovering around $1 per gallon.  I can't imagine how they're making it these days at $4 per gallon.  If I order a pizza these days and have it delivered, I will tip very well.

    I completely ignore tip jars.  Unless they're coming around the counter and bringing me my food, they don't get a tip.

    I think it's okay not to tip for exceptionally bad service.  Just make sure you're not penalizing your waiter or delivery person for something beyond their control.  I have never left a restaurant without tipping ... but I have received such bad service a couple of times in my life where I have left them just a coin.  Never leave without tipping at all, they might think you forgot.  Leaving one small coin really sends a message.

  3. I tip anytime I feel like the waiter, waitress, delivery person, bartender made me feel welcome and got my food to me quickly. If they are rude to me, I don't tip. But a lot of jobs that you make tips at, don't really pay that well because the employer knows you'll be bringing home lots of tips. My best friend's sister is a bartender and she only gets paid $3.75 an hour b/c they know she'll get plenty of tips.

  4. How can a waitress live off of 3.50 an hour?  

    They live off of our tips.

    Don't be a cheap skate and tip !

  5. I get what ur last question is saying...but I don't get what your first question is sayin...

    It's ok not to tip when you simply dont want to tip. If you dont have enough money to tip, then u can't, can u? If you feel you got poor service, you don't have to tip, do u? When the restaurant automatically puts a service charge on the bill, no need to tip, is there?

  6. Most people who work in restaurants or salons or even airports need tips.  Most of them don't earn a whole lot of money.  

    Like somebody else said, you should tip when you've received good service.   If a waiter or server has been polite, helpful, and efficient...I tip them.  They are people who are working to support themselves or their families in most cases.  This is why tipping is often in good taste.

    It is OK not to tip if the service was terrible and the person had a bad attitude, but you should make an effort to tip otherwise.

    *Mickie, it sounds like you look down on people who work in restaurants.  How do you know what their education or background is?   You cannot make assumptions like that about people.  You might not tip but your arrogance should be checked.

  7. I never tip and never will.

    I will not pay for the food I eat and then pay salary of the hired help.

    In some restaurants the mark up on food is 500% and then I am expected to pay a salary too. NO WAY

    If it is the only job a person can do ( I have no problem with that) then either live with the salary or try getting an education.

  8. Tip jars are everywhere I go. I think I am going start carrying one around with me.When I go to Starbucks I will but my jar on the counter maybe the cashier will tip me.

  9. You tip waiters and waitresses because they aren't being paid enough by their employer.  (It's so the restaurant can make a profit from what they sell.  That's a load of you-know-what.  The price they charge you for food is WAY over what it cost them to make that food in bulk.)

    Tip jars in restaurants such as Starbucks and Subway is just another way for the employees to make an extra buck.  The coffee at Starbucks and sandwiches at Subway are overpriced as it is, and I'm pretty sure those employees are getting at least minimum wage.  I skip the jar.

    Pizza delivery people should get tips now more than ever.  I do it because that is THEIR vehicle.  If it breaks down, their job isn't going to pay to have it fixed.  Plus gas is super expensive.

  10. Obviously people who use their cars and gas to drive your food to your door deserve a good tip; they do not get any of the delivery charge, that all goes to the restaurant. People who serve you in the restaurant make minimum wage and depend on tips. Tip jars I very rarely if ever, put money in. Starbucks charges such ridiculous inflated prices for their lousy coffee made from burnt beans I would not give them one penny. So the fact that the employer pays has nothing to do with tipping when it is a service oriented job such as delivery, restaurant server, taxi cab driver, etc.

    You do not have to tip ever, in tip jars, that is just absurd. Unless you really want to or they did go out of their way for you.

  11. Tip them if they've been polite and smiled :-) or helped u. However if they havent really been bothered to do any of that and have been rude or ignorant when u have asked them a question then dont .

  12. The sad thing is that they don't make as much money as you assume they do.  I tip whenever I can because every little bit helps.

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