
Why do we treat puppies better than babies?

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There is a law that u cant sell a puppy for at least six weeks because it causes behavioral issues. So why can we adopt out babies within a couple days of being born. Does it have the same affect?




  1. I dunno if I agree with your logic but I would like to know why it's ok for doggie lovers to have their dogs p**p all over the street when it can blind our children and give them truly terrible diseases.  

  2. well the difference is that a puppy is voluntarily taken from the mother, whereas a child is not taken from his or her parent; usually the child is unwanted. so the difference is that the animal is planned. the human is not.

    i doubt it really caused behavior problems for children that are adopted at such a young age but obviously it can cause relationship issues in odler age, and can deeply damage children who are adopted at a younger age.

  3. get over it ..if you can change the system then go for it..take some courses...

  4. Well the reason we don't adopt puppies out is because they have to have their mothers milk for at least 6 to 8 weeks. I think it is better to introduce a newborn to the adopted parents as soon as possible that way they can bond. I think a baby needs love no matter who it is from.  

  5. no. babies need more attention and need to be taken care of more than puppies. think about it. which one do you buy more clothes, food, diapers, bibs, formulas, and health insurance for?

  6. cause they r easer to take care of and really we dont

  7. A dog needs its mother to show them how to eat, walk, etc. Any human can do that for another human. It's about keeping the same species together so that they can gather the life essentials.

  8. I don't have babies but i have a dog and to me its like my child. . . although i have 2 younger siblings and i took care them as they grew up i can say as they were babies i treated them like so... they didn't know better and i had to look after them... and now they are kids and then can talk and do things for them selves... and my dog shes a baby and will always be a baby... as long as she doesn't feed her self and talk to me i will continue to look for her ....

  9. its way deff  

  10. because it's not the same

  11. i always thought you could not sell them because they needed their moms food..and just my opinion but your question does not really make sense why wouldn't you give the baby to her/his parents as soon as possible...comparing puppies and babies it way off

  12. because usually the babies that are put up for adoption would receive better care from the adopter then the parents who had them.  This isn't a punishment to adopted children.... it is a gift.  

  13. they would separate puppies but they would probably starve to death if they could not be weaned off the mother..some dogs or other animals have lost their mother and have been given a substitute mother's milk

    a dog nursed tiger cubs? and a like works I guess..milk is milk

    but it is not a good practice...but that is just my thinking

    Yes, I think a lot of people treat dogs better then babies in this world

    But I have been to countries were puppies and kitties are eaten?

    It was like this with Indians and even our own ancestors.

    Are we so civilized?  We still have war.  To me this is the ultimate human failure.

  14. puppies are cuter. thats why

  15. The last place you want a baby is with a parent who doesn't want it.  Adoption is usually a very good thing for the birth parents, adoptive parents, and baby.

  16. A new baby should bond with whomever will be caring for the child. Also 6 months and 2 years are very important times in a child's life when they need stability.

  17. because people can do meth and give birth, dogs can not

  18. well puppies need their moms milk and well babies need the same effection but they need someone to take care of them and fast!  

  19. Hmmm... This one's a tough one! They should both be treated equally in my opinion!

    With Much Love,

    -Alexa <333

  20. great question we seam to loose what is more important

  21. Well presumably the babies will have been put up for adoption prior to being born so if thats the case I would assume its because they need the baby to be adopted as soon as possible, and not to get attached to its mother, as for puppies well, they need to suckle from their mother for milk, they are extreamly fragile compared to babies and they might be born blind, ( Im not 100% sure ).

  22. humans and dogs are completelyy different. but that is a really good question...

    i would only guess that dogs are smaller usually, and they will never weigh the same amount as a person. (unless they are huge dogs, but still not as much i think). which means they will need a little more care to begin with. when babies are born they are not as small as dogs some dogs are very very little. babies need attention right away also. they need more than what a dog needs. they both need shots, but babies need clothing-diapers-ect.  

    that would be my only guess. (:

  23. It's not that you can't sell a puppy under 6 weeks old because of behavioral problems, although that may be a reason. The reason is because puppies need to feed from a lactating dog, and once they are sold, they are usually one of a few pets in a household and able to eat solids, not someone's baby to take care of. A human baby is adopted out at birth to prevent bonding and all the heartache and legal issues that stem from a birth mother deciding once she's healed from the birth and feeling great that she wants her baby back. Well, it helps, doesn't always work that way though. It doesn't have the same effect, because newborns bond with their primary caregiver, and baby formula is redily available so the child can get sustanence and be cared for. Not to metion that people aren't selling babies(well they shouldn't be, but it happens too) to make a profit, like they would with puppies. If breeders could get away with selling puppies at a week old with their eyes just open, then they would because the loss would send the female into estrus faster, produce another litter, and make more profit. Which is the bottom line, not what happens to the pup, it's the profit that's important.

    Good luck!

  24. Yeah, and why can we put our babies in the dryer, but they get all over Michael Vick like he's some kind of murderer?  

    Joke, chill out.  

  25. puppies r cuter

  26. Maybe because dogs don't have the option to put their puppies up for adoption within 1 or 2 days from birth? If a dog doesn't want it's baby, it dies. Humans have the option to give their children to someone who will love it like their own!

  27. Dogs are not humans.  Dogs grow up faster than humans such as once they are born for a number of weeks, they can walk! Humans take more time to mature and so can't be adopted until they are strong enough to be adopted.

  28. Wow, at first I thought this was a joke but you have a good point. I don;t know though. I guess it just happens that someone cared to do what it took to make the puppy law but with babies they wanted their to be no-attachment. I think it must have started because greedy people new it was not natural for someone to give away an unborn child & they could do it quickly but it would harder if they waited.  

  29. Adopting (in most cases) is an opportunity to give a child a better life than the life they would have with the birth parent(s).  Don't get me wrong, but it is a choice that the parent's/mothers are given if they are not ready to raise a child.  

    By adopting a child a couple days after they are born, it gives the adoptive parent(s) the initial bonding experience.  It seems more detrimental if the child bonds to the birth parents and is then taken away to a different family.  The first days and moments of a child's life are extremely important, and allow for the parent/child relationship to form.

  30. we don't - puppies aren't even comparable to babies, so laws that apply to puppies can't be compared to our babies.


    Niether of my babies were "flipped upside down, cut, and thrown on a scale with bright lights and loud voices in their faces?"  Yes, they cord was cut, but they weren't upside down and they weren't thrown on a scale they were sat their with only one nurse taking care of them.

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