
Why do we use such painful ways of execution?

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i agree that if a man does something so bad that the justice should be execution. But why do we use electric chairs and gas chambers? to me this seems really inhumane...i know that we have the lethal injection which isn't as bad. But why don't we just use a less barbaric form of execution like hanging or just only use the lethal injection?




  1. When we sentence someone to death, its because he or she did something so bad that they deserve death. I personally do not care if some rotten murderer feels a little pain, or is a bit uncomfortable when they die. Did they give an inkling of pity to the poor soul they took the life from. But you can give them comfort if you choose.

  2. Hanging is more humane? Geeze!

    The reason is we still erroneously believe that others will be deterred from committing such crimes out of fear!

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    terrorist if he is afraid of going to gitmo or of dying.

  3. i am not sure if lethal injection will work .

    I can tell u of some countries where u will notice that the injection was fake or its shelf life has expired , it will inflict more pain than the method of electric chair

    same thing is true of cyanide poison.

    it is normaly said in some places

    a person consumed poison did not die as poson was adultrated . after released from hospital , he had  hearty meals and   died as food was adultrated

  4. I agree with you. Hanging as performed in the UK in the late 19th thru mid 20th century was humane, painless and fool proof. We should use that method. The Electric Chair and Gas Chamber came about to make executions less painful, but they made them worse. Its all started when a woman's hanging was botched in NY and she slowly strangled in front of the horrified witnesses. Too bad we didn't just fix the hanging protocol rather than coming up with gruesome new technologies.

  5. Really don't agree that are execution methods are barbaric.  Dead is dead, or the electric you somebody shoot somebody hang somebody or put them in the gas chamber.  I agree with it all.  If a man commits a heinous murder and he should be executed.  My concern with this how can we do it cheaper.  You know what 22 bullet right behind the ear does not cost that much.  Because I look at it as if how I would feel if my family had to suffer through murder.  The execution d**n barbaric would never cross my mind.  I would actually tell the person I hope it hurts just as bad and you feel as much fear as my family member did.  The execution only became barbaric because we did it in the public eye, and people felt sorry for the person that was being executed.  His crime be damned, we don't care that he murdered a five-year-old girl.  That's just so barbaric.  It's my thought is that it was never done in the public eye it would never be considered barbaric.  To me lethal injection is too easy and too expensive.  Our concern should not be barbaric and cost-effective

  6. There should be another devils island like England had years ago, if a person is found absolutely guilty, no doubt what so eve,r then put them on an island that is impossible to escape from and  save out tax money from keeping them for twenty years and then killing them....same goes for lifer's..

  7. well now that you mention it, from now on we can send criminals on a cruise on the Carnival line and while they are partying it up and having tropical drinks, we can slip something into one of their drinks to kill them. that would be much more humane. is that what you were thinking?

  8. I prefer the firing squad. Personally I believe that method is the best one over all.

    1) Marksman are picked so the shots are accurate

    2) A blank is placed into the one of the rifles in order to make

        each shooter believe that maybe he shot the blank (if they            


    3) It's a cheap form of execution

  9. If i had to be executed ,Id personally prefer a firing squad..hanging  or decapitation are both swift and humane but not very dignified (and humiliation is worse than a few moments of pain)..I figure as long as the means used to deal with a criminal are more humane than what they did to their victims,it fine..I think public execution would be a much better deterrent to crime than the way its done now, watching someone hanged or electricuted would make on think twice before committing a crime.worked pretty well in places like old england especially when they left the guys hang there to rot, a guy getting ready to commit a crime seeing the last guy to do so's remains in a crow cage,might rethink his plan.

  10. personally I don't care what method is used. I would prefer we go cost effective. I'm not so concerned about treating mass murderers compassionately. If I slaughtered a family I wouldn't expect kindness, compassion, or a quick painless end. Heck I'd feel lucky to get that last meal. I disagree with gas chambers, electricution and lethal injection. those damage the organs too much. The hanging is generally out because if done improperly the condemned can suffer, so I'm for the hanging it just isn't all that popular. As for painful methods of execution I can easily think of much worse, more painful, far slower ways of killing people. I don't think about these things often but off the cuff it comes pretty natural, it's a gift I have.

  11. No one way has been proven to be 100% effective and pain-free. It was not uncommon for the gallows to malfunction. The "recipient" might strangle due to a miscalculation of the elements needed for a proper hanging. Lethal injection has rare issues, such as intense pain, delayed death, or improper needle placement.

  12. If a person causes you to lose a love one or some immense pain,should not that person experience the same. That is what we call a deterrent to doing horrendous things. It makes people think twice before doing because their will be consequences to their actions.

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