
Why do whales need saving and why are they in danger?

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Why do whales need saving and why are they in danger?




  1. Because people are taking them from the ocean and putting them in sea world for kids to see it's like a zoo for kids.  YA it's crazy i know it is stupid for them to do that and also people are killing them so we as people who love whales should try to save them like i would do if i knew how well i hope i answered your question

  2. oh man! have you tasted whale steaks yet? SCEEERUMPTIOUS!

  3. They need saving because there aren't too many left and they are in danger because whalers want to make a lot of money by catching them. In simple terms, human greed without thought to the future.

  4. Because they are in danger of becoming extinct. the j**s,

    and ruskies in particular hoopver them up in factory ships!

  5. Certain species of whale are "harvested" for their body fat and secretions (oil, ambergris, etc) as well as some of the bone.  

    These whales have been hunted almost to extinction and are still being hunted today.  The modern whaling ships are extremely fast and modern killing methods are far more efficient than the old sailor throwing a harpoon  tied to a boat.

    The whales do not stand a chance against modern technology.

    BTW, Japan is one of the foremost offenders in whale "harvesting".

    Just FYI.

  6. I just have to say this about one comment I read. As far as I know Sea World does not capture Whales anymore. It's illegial. All their performing whales are born in captivity and are quite happy. They get hand fed and get to play all day. Think about it.

    Okay on to the topic at hand. Whales are important to the ocean and our ecosystem. Without them, the fish population would sky rocket, as well, as the penguin population and seal population. They play an important role in the ocean. They're as intelligent as us and have strong family dynamics as we do (except probably a lot stronger). It's wrong to kill them and it's inhumane. They feel and love and hate just as we do. We share the earth with animals, so we need to stop killing the planet. Without them, there's no us.

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