
Why do white English women walk with their heads down?

by  |  earlier

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...I notice that most women, when they pass in the street, hold their head down, and don't make eye contact. Not just eye contact - they don't even look towards your face! They might even look to the side if you glance their way. I find it strange, as i think it is customary to acknowledge people and is important to be 'aware' of people when I pass...for safety's sake.




  1. Why are you obsessed with people not looking at you?  They may have a lot more important things on their minds than making eye contact with you.  Making eye contact with some people can freak them out and it can send out the wrong message that a) you are a creep b) you are mentally unstable or c) if you hold eye contact with another male it is regarded as a challenge or you are attracted to them.  And so what, big deal if someone doesn't make eye contact with you, your life won't end.  Get over it.

  2. Direct eye contact is a challenge of sorts. I see you; you see me. Society generally tells women to be submissive to men so a lott of women won't meet the eyes of strangers on the street. Also, even just eye contact can send of signals or make people think she's sending off signals to a guy and try to avoid those sort of things.

    When a man makes eye contact with another man, both of them are playing the masculine role. They both see themselves as being on the same level -- or at least arechallengingg them as such -- so neither looks away.

    It's weird and kind of sad. Typing this I know that I do all of that too.

  3. Maybe you're just ugly?

  4. Dude either u scare them or their trying not to trip,but some dudes might take it the wrong way if they looked in your eyes

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