
Why do white feminists hate white men?

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I see feminists writing online that they hate white men? Do they consider all white men evil?




  1. Not all do but a lot of white women are cowards and followers.  Most women will side with their own race and families against anyone who threatens their families, brothers, husbands or fathers.  White feminist women will side with a white mans enemy and try to undermine him and the men do not trust or want them anymore.

  2. White feminist are indoctrinated in colleges and univerities.  Before a white woman goes off to college most love white guys but after years of propoganda and diversity training they come out as white men hating monsters.  I am a white woman that has filtered out most of the propoganda against white men and my fiance is a white man.  What is funny nowdays is I am starting to see a backlash of white men turning against white feminist women, not all white women just the libs.  I think a man picks up signals within a few seconds of being around a white feminist, she doesn't have to say anything she sends out negative vibes and men walk away in a hurry.   When men ignore the white feminist women they become more vengeful and try to s***w over or disrespect the men.  I think this type of white sister is a sad lost cause.

  3. I laugh at a lot of these feminist who have reaped priviledges from the work efforts of white men.  White men will survive because they are warriors and if these white women hate them I say good riddance because their are a lot of women in the world who love white men so you will not be missed.

  4. As a hetrosexual white male and a Christian I don't know why but I do know that there is irrational hate and bias for white men in general and my type in particular.

    Pity these women if they ever need my protection. Chivalery is over with
    and so is any obligation.

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