
Why do white people have so much more physical diversity than any other race?

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Whites have a multitude of eye color, and hair colors, types,and shades, freckles, pale white skin to golden brown, various height differences and facial features earlobes, nose, eyebrows. If I compare this to other races, the diversity that Europeans have is clear and unequaled by any.




  1. Everything you mentioned is a result of genetic mutation.

  2. The White race had three subraces until about WW1: the Nordics, the Alpines, and the Mediterraneans. The Mediterranean subrace is about 99% extinct today, and our remaining two races are losing ground as a fraction of the global population. Our women are too comfortable and prideful, and they don't want to make babies as much as they used to.

    The physical diversity of the White race is the result of a clinal jumbling of the three subraces, which started around 5000 BC and has continued ever since. This is a mild form of race-mixing, but, in this case, it isn't so bad because the White subraces are very near to each other biologically. There is only a relatively small genetic distance between any two White groups (an FST of 0.002 is typical).

    The White race is the race with the nearest genetic outliers, those being the Greeks and the fairer Iranians. (Yes, the Iranians are distant cousins of ours, being descended from Aryan-Nordics who migrated into the Middle East in prehistoric times.)

    The Black race is actually the most diverse race. They don't have different eye or hair colors, but they do have a wide spectrum of body sizes and shapes, skull and bone structures, variations in the deposition of body fat, etc. In fact, the world's Black subraces differ with each other so much that they might easily be considered a cluster of races, rather than a cluster of subraces.

    As you've probably noticed, the White race is the visually most spectacular race, due to those hair and eye color variations you mentioned.

    We and the Asians are close rivals in intelligence. Some say they have the advantage, but, if they do, careful measurements have set an upper limit of 3%, whereas the White advantage relative to African Blacks is more like 30%.

  3. The race theory is no more valid man

  4. White people don't have more diversity. That's like asking why do all Chinese people look alike.

  5. I'm Asian-American, so I can see the nuances surrounding height, facial features, earlobes, noses, eyebrows, and skin color in Asians. I think we're more used to seeing the differences in Caucasians because there has been so much integration and interracial marriage between them over time, and if you've been brought up amongst them, it's easiest to identify Caucasians. Interesting about hair and eye color though. Because if someone is half-Asian but with brown hair, would they still be considered Asian? It's hard to draw the line to determine who's of what lineage.

  6. Other races have differences too, Europeans just dont see it in other races. Other races do see it in each other and once you have lived with people of other backgrounds long enough you will see the differences.  Have you never seen an Asian with freckles ? Or an African with a raised nose ? Hair color although very profound in Whites can be seen in other races albeit not commonly. Remember Boris Yeltsin ? White guy with Asian eyes ? was he White ? or was he Asian . I hope that this opens your eyes some, please dont think narrowminded about people of different races. One day we will all be the same a shade of brown. Not in our life time but one day. Hope this helps.

  7. Better edit this before yahoo flips on me again.

  8. because they f-ked everyone and still do to this day.

  9. Because the Europeans come from a climate where those traits are necessary. God you people who are freaking out about 'better vs worse' need to get a grip. It's not a racial thing, it's factual that caucasians have a wider array of coloring. And you wonder why racism is passed from generation to generation.

  10. We're just used to the ranges you see with Europeans.  Every continent has a wide range of "looks", but you have to get used to seeing those differences.  You've heard your racist uncle talk about how all those Asians look alike, right?  Or all those Africans, or whoever.  A lot of them think the same way.  It's not that all Asians look alike, because they manifestly don't, it's just that Americans and Europeans are used to seeing white people.  We're so used to white people and features that we can even start talking about Roman noses or French facial shapes.  These are subtle differences here that someone who isn't used to Caucasian features wouldn't necessarily see.

    It's like what happened to a biology professor I once had.  He paid for grad school by sexing fruit flies.  Talk about your subtle differences!  At first, it took him forever, but after a few months of staring at flies, he only had to glance at them to know what s*x they were.

  11. You're not assuming that physical diversity is "better", are you?

    Physical diversity in Caucasians is due to differing climates and ecological habitats, plus there are no "pure" Caucasians on Earth.  Every race is a genetic mixture (to one degree or another) of other races.  And you can find a lot of diversity (height, skin colour, facial features, etc.) in other races as well - if you look for them.

    One of the tendencies of many people is to see subtle differences in people that "look like me", but not to see subtle differences in people that "don't look like me".

  12. because they have traveled around the entire world ******* everyone

  13. Depends on what you consider white I suppose.  If you really stop and think about it, there are not clear cut lines when it comes to different races, just gradient clines across the world.  Where you draw the lines for Caucasians is completely subjective and so the diversity of Caucasians is different in everyone's eyes.

  14. Maybe these "white people" you speak of are mixed with other races causing them to look so different. Black people are just as physically diverse. It's mostly Asian's and Hispanics that have the least variations from what I see.

  15. black people are from africa (as you know), a place of much sunlight. this caused them to mainly only have brown eyes, since brown eyes absorb sunlight. White people are from all over Europe, some places in Europe have high-sun and snow, which means very bright, which means they have brown eyes. Other parts of Europe were not so sunny, which is why blue eyes in people developed. Blue eyes reflect sunlight, making a little light seem brighter.

  16. Actually Africans have the most diversity. Compare Nylotics to pygmies. Much bigger differance than between red heads and blonds. Frankly for those living in cold places, any light pigment would be preferred and based on the individual mutations, many traits can be selected. For those living closer to the tropics, brown and black hair are the only dark options that provide the most protection.

  17. lol karel... you almost sound "defensive"

    I don't see any reason to be. He's asking a perfectly fine question.


  19. They don't, it's just more apparent to us white folks.

    Not sure about physical diversity, but the greatest *genetic* diversity in humans is found in east central Africa.

  20. because white people were a mutation a long time ago do 2 increase of sun light and chemicals in water and in the sun rays(not raciest 2 whites or any1 else thats just wat i heard)

  21. Just want to tell ya, I heard that white people whom are not white, i would run screaming if i saw a pure white person, i digress, whites have more orthodontic issues because of the many different races interbreeding, the jaw lines are for lack of a better word, messed up, and therefore causes crooked teeth.

  22. Because the white race has had the most s*x with other races. Thats just it.

    If you know anything about biology that's the goal of sexual reproduction, create diversity so a disease that kills one doesnt kill everyone.

    Do you anything about biology?

  23. It is interesting that you asked this question because i just read something about the topic.  Only in America do we classify race by "Black and White."  Because we put such broad terms on our ethnicities it allows for broad diversity.  

    If you ask "white people" to define different traits within them they will come up with a small number.  

    but if you ask "black people" to define different traits within themseves they define a larger number.  

    This does not mean that there are more "blacks" than "whites".  it just means that culturally we define different traits differently.  

    There are over 10 categories for "black" people in Brazil.  but when any one of them comes to America we define them as "black."  Does flying from San Paolo to New York change someones race?  No.  It only changes the way we categorize it.  

    And just for the record, there is no such thing as race.  We are all Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

  24. A long time ago, there were lots of bands and tribes of people wandering around the planet. The groups that had desirable characteristics survived and multiplied. In the Northern areas, some people lost the pigmentation in their skin.  This allowed them to get vitamin D into their systems via the sun.  Therefore, they were better off nutritionally and fared better than those with darker complexions. There was less intermixing of those tribes than in southern areas of the world (due to self-preservation , inclement weather, etc.)  Therefore, there was more individuality among groups.  On other continents, there was more intermarriage and blending of genes.  Even though their coloring is similar, they still exhibit different features.

    A lot of the genes seen in Whites are recessive.  As long as they are mating with the same race and the dominant gene of brown isn't in the picture, you will still see that variety.

  25. and your point is???????

  26. because thats how God made them???

  27. because they have assimilated more thoroughly than others.

  28. Sweetie, that is only a question that you can answer God when you arrive in Heaven...God created all men and women...he did ask Him!

  29. A lot of the golden browns are fake tans, or a mixture of another race. There's lots of diversity in other ethnicities and nationalities if you really look. There's Mexicans, Asians, etc that could pass moreso as a white or black American (than the atypical prototype). There's blacks who practically look white (again possibly because of race mixing.

    Blacks can have natural brown or black hair, and blacks can have brown, hazel, black, etc eyes. In fact within "races" there's so much diversities that you could argue each skin tone is a different race.

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