
Why do white ppl dislike illegal immigrants?

by Guest59970  |  earlier

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they seem to forget tht they were here illegaly also...

and since mexicans have indian ancestry,they should be more american than white ppl,they were here before white ppl drew the lines..and question is..why is it ok for youuuu to have come here illegaly and steal ppls culture/languaes(if you dont know about the whole cultrue stripping.look up native american bording schools) and land,but when mexicans come here,and you say they steal your jobs (because they will work harder for less money does not make it stealing) you wanna get all mad




  1. Mexicans are not Indian, they are Native American. I am an Indian - a person from India.

    Having said that, I became a naturalized citizen of the United States. I learned the language (English) and became so fluent that I have corrected college professors. In addition to English I speak two other languages - Hindi and French.

    Yet, when I applied for a job at a local bank, I got turned down because I wasn't bilingual by their standards because I don't speak Spanish. I guess French and Hindi don't count as "bilingual."

    Isn't it absurd that a minority citizen who has mastered English should get turned down for a job in America to accommodate another minority that refuses to learn the language?

    That is why I don't like them. Sod the lot of them.

  2. "THEY" were here illegally? Where do get you that from.  FYI little girl, I'M WHITE...and I was BORN here.  My grandparents/parents/aunt/uncles came to this country from Finland and jumped through the hoops to come here LEGALLY .  They took a test so they could become American citizens.  My family stole NO one's culture/language, they LEARNED English and worked hard and adopted the ways of America.  In fact, my father joined the U.S Army and fought for the freedom of Europe and lost an arm.  My twin uncles joined the U.S. Army and fought for the freedom of South Korea.  One was MIA 12/50, the other was KIA 1/51, just a couple of weeks later.  What have YOU done for this country except make a fool of yourself on here?

    Now, bubbaette, what is it you don't understand about ILLEGAL.  We have LAWS in this country.

    FYI, when the first settlers came to this continent, there were no immigration laws.  Or didn't you know that?  Such a twit.

    Illegal is ILLEGAL, no matter WHERE you're from.  Do you know what would happen if an American SNUCK into Mexico (or any other country for that matter)?  They'd be thrown in jail, then run outta the country.  Guess you didn't know that.  They wouldn't get special treatment, welfare, free medical, free schooling....

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are LAW breakers. You rob a 7-11, you're doing something illegal.  You steal a car, you're doing something illegal.  You come into America without following the proper procedures or stay beyond your visa, you're ILLEGAL.

    Are you so thick headed that you don't understand that?

    ILLEGAL...get it through you little bubbaette head.

  3. To that indian girl, why blame hispanics? Blame the country, illegal hispanics did not put a gun to the country's head and told them to make spanish a requirement so. Besides there are tons of jobs where spanish is just a "plus" and the majority don't even require spanish so you just have bad luck at finding jobs.

  4. sorry sweetheart--I was BORN here--  my father was born here, HIS father was born here and so was his FATHER'S FATHER... so, if I want to complain about some little SNIT sneaking into our country to live off the benefits that I and my forefathers have been TAXED on all our lives, then I darn well have the RIGHT to complain about the illegals and will continue to do so....   On the other hand, those immigrants who came here from places like Poland, England, France, Africa, all over Europe and Asia LEGALLY have a right to be here just as much as someone who was BORN here... however, Mexicans who sneak into this country are not welcome... and NOT just by the whites.....  you kids ought to do a little more research before you come on here spouting stuff you know NOTHING about...... What the White people did to the Indians is a TOTAL SHAME and I think we have begun to finally get paid back for all that...but all that started many decades ago... I don't mind if a Mexican comes into this country through the proper channels and works and pays AMERICAN TAXES to AMERICA, but I would not like ANY person regardless of their country of origin if they felt they had the right to SNEAK in here and use the benefits of OUR country and not pay taxes or learn English or try to become LEGALIZED....  

  5. I think many people look down on the Hispanics that come to the US because for the most part most are with little education and naive to understand their rights and therefore some mean people take advantage of their lack of knowledge or education. Many people think they have no right to live here (even legal immigrants) because for people who have never been exposed to other cultures feel their society is being distorted by Hispanics and causing them to readjust to how they live - speak other languages, learn to accept others from other countries and being willing to realize that others are struggling to survive. My family in Guatemala sometimes has a hard time even just buying basic groceries. Most people in Central America mainly eat rice and beans because Chicken is considered to expensive to buy!!Imagine being paid $1/hr (most college educated are paid this salary) and most work 50 hr/wk. Wouldn't you try to have a better life elsewhere? Yes, historically people forget if the English didn't win the war, we'd all be speaking Spanish and Mexicans might possibly be a majority of the population.  

  6. First off, not all Mexicans are of Native American descent. There are plenty of Spaniard-Mexicans (my grandpa is one of them).

    But is something really illegal without a law against it? What I'm saying is, there was no law saying whites could not colonize the Americas, so it's not technically "illegal."

    And whites have been in America for hundreds of years, and (like it or not) the USA was founded by white men.

    But for me, the problem with illegal immigration is the fact that these people pay no taxes. And that's illegal for everybody, not just Mexicans.

  7. they mostly just bundle up all their frustrations and throw them at "illegals", and they summarize:

    Free education that our tax dollars pay for

    Free health care

    food stamps

    housing assistance

    on and on.  Most of the money they make goes back to their countries to support the families that are behind "negative cash flow"

  8. Many reasons, but the main reason is that is that every day the US is becoming less WASP and more mix. White are having les and less kids and geting older and older. White Americans are seeing their country changing right in front of their eyes, and there is nothing they can do to stop it

  9. Racist much? It's not white people, it's usually republicans. If you go to any "blue" area and ask a democrat (or otherwise) about illegal immigration they would typically answer with a welcome or an "I really don't care". It's only the ignorant southern white republicans that hate illegal immigrants. Don't make assumptions about an entire group of people based on a minority. That's like going to Boston and assuming that all black neighborhoods are dangerous places to be. It's ignorant and uncalled for.

    Most of the jobs they take no one wants in the first place, the republicans just see illegal immigrants working and assume they stole the job when likelihood is the illegal immigrant was the only one that needed, or wanted, that job.

    As a side note, Mexicans are actually the descendants of both Native Americans and conquistadors. If you know anything about the colonization of Middle America then you will know that conquistadors were horrible people that enslaved, killed, raped, and much worse than that to the native people. But that doesn't mean that their descendants are bad people as well. Most Mexicans that I know are pretty nice people. Similar things can be said about some white people.

    To conclude, white people built the United States, so you should be a lot more respectful, because if it weren’t for them, you would be killed by now for saying something like that.

    And there was no law when Europe started colonizing America, so your definition of 'illegal' is misconstrued.

  10. because latino illegals don'tt bother to learn english. mexico lost its claim to anything in america. remember theAlamoo? you want it back? take it by force or deal with it. the first act of border crossing is a felony. there are legal ways to get here. lets talk about the burden all illegals put on america. instead of my tax dollars going to improve the community at large,they get spent on health care and food, lodgingetct. of people that are not here legal. free s#*t for them,and poor white people cant even get low cost health care or the same type of help as someone of illegal status. plus illegalsdon'tt pay taxes, send the money out of the U.S. and over burden the system by filling the jails,and flood our streets w/gang violence and drugs. i still believe in the melting pot that made america great but there is a proper way of getting here.

  11. So what do you think of Native people who, like in generations past, do not want them invading onto their lands? Just because people have been forced to put up with whites doesn't mean they are going to be perfectly fine with illegals showing up anymore than they want whites encroaching upon them even more. If the borders of Mexico surround their traditional homeland...well their land is THERE.

    What about that one guy recently that wasn't deported, and then turned around and murdered someone? There is no reason why people who want to come here can't do it legally. "America" is not the same place (sadly enough) that it once was.

    People need to be able to protect their families. If someone comes here illegally and murders your child, they can run off again just that fast, remaining unaccounted for and never having to face the crime they committed.

  12. No, not just Mexicans haha

    Where i live there is a huge amount of illegal Albanians, and people of the former Yugoslavia. In Greenpoint, New york you can find a whole lot of illegal polish people. Its not only Mexicans. There are white people that are illegally here too.

  13. a lot of other people don't like illegal immigrants either, it's not just white people you ignorant racist. and btw not all illegals are from Mexico.  

  14. White people like to dominate the world. True, USA was founded by bandits ant thieves.

    I think today's White Americans ignore the misdeeds of their ancestors.

    I think there are a lot of people that are helping Mexicans become citizens here.  

  15. First OFF.The illegal immigrants my country is facing all come from Africa.I hate it when they come here and think they own the place.They speak Arabic and they pretend that we should speak Arabic as well!!They bring drugs,many of them who come here are all hungry men and so rape our girls.

    Besides,we pay taxes over them.We provide them mobiles,food,water,expensive clothes,a decent place to stay and they treat us bad.No,that's not acceptable in our nation.We are a very proud nation and these things are totally not acceptable.

  16. i don't know why or even if white people dislike illegal aliens but here are my views.  i think it is unfair that once they make it across the border illegally they are not punished but rewarded.  the us HAS to provide med coverage--which something it doesnt even do for its hard working citizens for one.  they are allowed to stay here for a certain amount of time with out paying citizens and collect some sort of 'compensation'. however i do understand that this is the way the laws are written and i do believe they should be changed.

  17. Because you people are ******* annoying.

    All you do is use up OUR resources. Mexico is all upset cause all the mexicans are coming bad. Cry me a flipin river. Just go back to your ghettos wherever they may be

    and LOLOLOLOOLOLOL at second answer.

    Its not PAWN you idiot

    its pwn

    like own


  18. I think anyone who loves this country is against illegals

  19. Actually You're wrong, most people herecame here legally. half of them went through ellis island, or came here so long ago that there were no established borders. the reason people hate illegal immigrants, is that they intrude on our established, claimed land.  if people ay any other reason then there racist, as are most people today(even though they wont admit it) And its only Mexicans that people pick on, what about the other illegals? no one ever mentions them.

  20. heh you'd be surprised on what becomes legal with enough artillery but i digress as i see it they're fast enough i wish 'im all the best, they have a ways to go before hitting canada anyway

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