
Why do whites take blk men and when blk women get pregnant nobody takes care of the baby??????????

by  |  earlier

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Why do whites take blk men and when blk women get pregnant nobody takes care of the baby??????????




  1. First off, your question doesn't make sense. Secondly, quit stereo typing.

  2. are you trying to say that black people

    dont take care of their children?

    i live in one of the nicest neighborhoods

    in peachtree city, and it is NICE, and we have

    a vast amount of african americans that

    have nice familys and they take great care of their


    i really hate it when people assume all

    african americans are like that. because it isn't true.

    and where i live, it is probably one of the wealthiest

    parts of town, and all the african aericans dress nicely

    and have great loving parents.

    grow up !

  3. I dont really understand what you are asking.I am a blk pregnant female and unmarried and my childs father has taken care of me financially but I can say he hasnt been there for me emotionally and I believe that is because he believes money satisfies all problems and he has done everything in order for us to be prepared for our new baby

  4. are you implying that black women dont take care of their children?

    or are you implying that white men are worthless?

    what exactly is your question?

    you are very very close to getting reported on this one!

  5. im not quite sure what your actual question is, what does race or s*x have to do with taking care of children? because i have a parent who didnt ever take care of me and im white so if your question is why don't some people take care of their children then there are so many answers to this question, it all depends on the person, reasons could range from being too immature to take care of their responsibilities to maybe having things in their lives that they dont have control of such as drugs, alcohol, etc. there really isnt one specific reason why women and men dont take responsibility for the choices they make. hope i helped!

  6. u sound like an ignorant biggot

  7. Well, being that your african-american, your question is very valid... And accurate...

  8. Please re write the question, I just don't understand it*

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