
Why do witches and vamp have a hard time beliving in God and Christ as the only savior?

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not trying to down anyone but i am curious and if i offend too many folks i will delete the question




  1. alot of witches and vampires refuse to bow to one god, for some of us believe we should be worshiped(i dont) or they feel caged in with rules and they just don't want to feel judged.

    ps. i believe all gods exist as long as there are worshipers,

  2. Your question is very fair and respectful. I am a Wiccan witch and do believe in God. AND Goddess. I cannot understand how a spiritual family could be considered complete without a male AND female at it's head. I seek balance in all things.

    I don't believe in the concept of Savior or being saved. From what? For being human? For living my life as best I can? My beliefs aren't prompted by fear, or overwhelming joy either. I don't believe in eternal damnation. I don't believe in atonement for "sins". I absolutely do not believe in Satan or the devil much less worship any such entity. And I also won't bash you for your faith. You can believe in whatever you want to and that's perfectly OK by me. My one wish is that other faiths (or non-faiths) would  be respectful enough to extend the same courtesy.

  3. Well, I believe that all God's are One. If you are asking why I have a hard time believing that the Christian God is the only God and the only right religion...well, I have too much experience with Paganism to believe that. I've been Pagan for over 12 years. My spiritual relationship with the Divine as I see it has been an amazing journey and I am always taken care of.

    I feel like that if I was wrong in my thinking, I would have at some point been shown the error of my ways and I wouldn't feel so strongly about what I believe in.

    At the same time, I do not deny that Christianity is a valid just isn't for me.

  4. Because we are not Christian, and do not follow Christ, we want to beieve what we think is the truth. We don't want to be forced to say we believe in what we do not.

  5. This question isn't offensive.

    I'm a witch and I do not believe in God. I wouldn't generalize it to saying witches don't though. There are plenty of christian witches out there. I happen to be a wiccan witch and I don't because i just believe in the bonds of nature, so the only "god" i believe in is mother nature.

    However that's just my opinion, there are plenty of witches who do believe in god and christ as their only savior.

  6. Including 'vamps' in with witches really should be two different questions because being a witch, is an old religion whereas being a vamp, is not.  You are entitled to believe as you do just as I am entitled to believe in what I do, The Old Religion. It is just that, a religion and I practice it everyday.  I will not go into the practices because if you are interested in learning about it you can read many books on the subject by Scott Cunningham or Raymond Buckland.  I have learned about other religions and I respect anyones choice in believing as they do.  Just as I expect the same in return to have the same respect to worship as I do in my own religion.  I worship a God but I also worship a Goddess.  So I don't really have a hard time believeing in a God, I also worship the feminine aspect of the God which is the Goddess.  I don't convert anyone to the way I believe because we are all free thinkers and are so very lucky to be able to worship freely as we do and people have the free will to choose what they will.  Curiosity is a good thing and people asking questions as you have only brings more knowledge about the subject. So if anyone gets offended then that is their issue or they might be feeling under conviction. So keep your question posted and keep seeking and also being curious you will become wiser that way.

  7. Because there are several dying & resurrecting gods in mythology - why should we believe in just one?

  8. For the same reason every other religion that doesn't believe it, doesn't believe it. Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Native Americans, the list goes on and on. It's just a drop in a bucket of billions of other thoughts.

  9. I don't have a hard time believing in God and Christ as the only savior.  I know that God and Christ are not my saviors, and I don't have a hard time with that at all.  I accept that very openly!

  10. Put simply, from the perspective of a Witch, I don't buy into the bible agt all.  I've studied the bible closely and have looked at the credible scholarship of the bible, and find it to be nothing more or less than a collection of stories about and for the Semetic peoples of the near middle-East.  yes, there's some good moral anecdotes in the bible (and some horrible ones, too) and some really fine erotic poetry (Song of Soloman), but otherwise?  It's no different than Easop's fables, as far as I'm concerned.  And since I don't believe the bible is either historically accurate or the literal word of some God, I don't find anything to compell me to believe in either the God of the bible or Christ.

    On the other hand, my Gods are patently visible in the events and seasons of the world around me.  There is no supposedly sacred book to rely on, I have to use my senses.  The wind blows, rain fall, the sun warms, grass grows, bees make honey.  These are the evidence, in my view, of my Gods existance and blessing.

  11. it is a fair question. i suggest you leave it be.

    the reson its so hard for them to bow to your king is because ruling their own destiny is a much happier destiny, regardless of if your king promises paradise.

    id rather live with my mistakes among the otherworldly than bow to your king.

  12. For the same reason that Muslims or Jews do. Although they all have a concept of one Divine being, the divinity of Jesus as Christians see him is not shared. Why is it so hard for THEM?  Because that is not their faith or dogma. Pagans have their god, or gods, or gods and goddesses, or goddess. It is just as inspiring and true to them as your faith is to you. Others have books which are for them just as much the "word of god" as the Bible is for you. So while it may be "THE WAY" for you, we may ultimately find that the path to the divine was much more diverse than Christians ever imagined. This is what I believe.

  13. As others have said, it is a fair question and you are being polite about, so I see no reason for you to delete it.

    I'm a practicing witch, however I do believe in God and Jesus. I don't agree with the Bible though for many reasons. Many Christians, not all, but many that I've met, form their opinions about things on what the Bible says and teaches, however the Bible was written over a thousand years ago and was translated into many different languages, so what a word meant back then, isn't necessarily going to mean the same thing now.

    From what I have done through research, when the Bible was written, a witch was a poisoner, a person who harms others with magic, and uses magic in defiance of God. Most witches today live by the threefold law, in which whatever you do comes back at you threefold, so they aren't going to harm someone because it will just come back to them a lot worse.

    There are also certain similarities between witchcraft (and generally pagan and Wicca) and Christian beliefs and practices. Spells are a lot like prayers where you are communing with a higher power, God (or what have you).The only difference I would say between the two, physically anyway, is that spells are more ritualistic than prayers.

    Spells do differ spiritually though because the practicing witch is influencing the energies around him to set forth what they need/want which can be dangerous. With prayers, you are essentially just asking and thanking, with spells you yourself are also working to achieve what you want and not just leaving it up to God.

    There are many who do combine the two religions (Christianity and Wicca) and see Mary as representation of the Goddess.

    Vampires can be Christian I believe, I mean I have never actually heard the Bible in them, but from what I can tell, they don't do anything bad. If they are the blood (fetish or otherwise) they have willing donors. If they are psychic, again they have willing people.

  14. I'm curious why you are grouping witches and "vamps" in the same question?  How do you think these are similar?

    I believe that the Christian God is one of many Gods, though is not the only one deserving of honor and respect.  I believe that there are Gods and Goddesses.  It simply makes more sense to me given that the survival of the world hinges on delicate balances, and that every living being on earth has male and female counterparts.

    I believe Jesus Christ existed, that he was an intelligent man with excellent leadership skills, perhaps even a prophet, and that he had good messages of peace to share with others - but that he was indeed a man - not divine and not our "savior".  There is no proof of his existence.  But because there are stories that were passed down, I can believe he once existed...but for many of the same reasons Christians can't or don't believe in my gods, I don't believe in the divinity of Jesus.

  15. I have a hard believing that a Jewish man from centuries ago has any connection to me, my ancestors and the like. I harbour no ill will towards those who do worship him, but I have more historical evidence for the evidence of Scathach, Aine and Brigid than I do Jesus.

    The way I look at it, Christians have their gods, and I have mine. I don't think they're necessarily wrong, I believe in the existence in multiple gods, but they have no connection to me.

  16. Because there is no reason to believe.  The only reason Christians believe is "faith" which simply means believing because they believe.

  17. sometime vampires or even half ones (like me) had believed in God but then we're told not to believe in something because thats all we knew so we look at others thing sometimes we go back other times we find a diffrent one that we like if you can't understand this mail me

  18. Because they live in a fantasy land instead of reality.

  19. I am a pagan, I consider myself to be a 'witch', and i believe in God.  Do I believe in the Xtian construct of God? NO WAY. I don't think that there is a big white man sitting in the clouds with a beard, waiting to spank me and send me to h**l upon my death.

    My interpretation of "God" is the all knowing, all present creator of everything that is and has yet to be. Then yes I 100% believe in God. I also believe that God takes various forms, and whatever form helps you on your path is correct for you, be it God, a Goddess, Ganesha, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, Zeus, etc. it's all the same thing to me. I am a solitary practitioner amidst a LARGE group of pagans all from various paths, yogis, voodoo priests, wiccans, witches, strega, and the like. ALL of them believe in God.

    I haven't met any vampires that I'm aware of that are actual 'vampires' b/c the ones I've come across are frankly idiots that dress a certain way b/c it makes them feel better about themselvs (I guess). If i ever get the opportunity, I'll gladly let you know what m findings are!

  20. I'm not sure about other people, but for me, I just never fit into his guidelines.

    No matter which religion I follow, I'm damned. Gods just don't seem to like me much.

    And then Jesus comes along, claiming to know everything and be all loving, and yet he too scapegoats us to keep order for the rest of the flock. If he really knew everything and loved everyone, he would see we're not monsters.

    And don't say I'm exaggerating or making this up. I live in the heart of Mormon-ville, and most of the missionaries have been warned to come to our house, or have been scared away by me. Every priest says about the same thing to me, "you're a sinful little blighter."

    Once you've been pushed out of the system, you can look back and see just how ridiculous it is. When there's no chance of heaven for you, there are no consequences of pointing out all the flaws of religion. I started reading the holy books, and marking every contradiction and fallacy I saw. By the end, I could hardly see the books anymore.

    So I decided to give up organized religion. If there is a god, and he's as great as they say he is, I'm sure he knows I tried. After all the research, however, it's getting harder to believe in any sort of guiding force. Most, if not all, of the Bible is made up, and yet so many people can just overlook that a believe anyway. I'm starting to think the ignorance of humans is what creates gods.

    This wasn't meant to offend anyone. Just my train of though along the idea. Hope it helped a bit.

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