
Why do woman care so much?

by Guest33020  |  earlier

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Why do woman care so much about there looks. I mean guys dont care about how you look and if they do they are most likely going to beat you and cheat on you.




  1. Because its simple in all animals including humans. One of their genders attracts and one of the genders hunt. In humans the male usually hunts, or picks, his mate where woman attract their mate, through their physical beauty and personality.

    By making themselves attractive they appeal to more men and can hopefully attract the mate they are looking for.

  2. Look around you.....I go to the gas station there's p**n magazines...I go to the grocery store, 1/2 the magazine covers have women in bikinis or a beautiful outfit...every where you turn there's some sort of reference to s*x.

    The pressure on women to be beautiful, perfect, thin, etc is huge. My husband always tells me I'm beautiful but I have such a hard time with that...I recently gave birth and am still not at the weight I want to be, struggle with adult acne, have stretch marks yada yada yada.

  3. Women care about their looks because other women care about their looks.  If a woman does not look good, then other women will criticize them without mercy.

    Women don't try to look good just for men; most of her friends are female, not male.

  4. Humans have to care about looks, it's in our blood. If they don't the men won't be physically attracted to them and the relationship will go bad.

  5. Same thing as some guys worry about being macho.

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