
Why do woman get special treatment in the media?

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Example: In a recent stampede in India it was reported 150 died, mostly woman & children. 45 children and 47 woman died. The article thus ignored 58 men that died.

In the "old days" woman got special treatment, but in the new age of emancipation and woman in the front line of battle, is this not a type of prejudice?




  1. Some of the posts above are suggesting that this is what feminists want. In fact they would feel the same as you, that it is unfair to suggest that the deaths of women are more tragic than the loss of men. If we were seen equally by the media this would not happen.

  2. I saw that article.  Yes it did say women and children died.  I didn't know men died.  Today the media is the strongest ally of the feminists.  They are the "untouchables."

  3. That's because most reporters are men so they are more likely to notice the female casualities. If there had been more women, it's likely they would have paid more attention to the men.

  4. that is the way it is my friend, ya better get used to it!

    As you see all of the women on this section 'can' see your question, they ALSO believe that the lives of men don't count, else you would see more that a lone female answering!! right?

    The sad truth is they' don't even care

    its time we stop caring about them also, even in tragic events

  5. 47+45 = 92 women and children over 58 men: the article was not wrong. It was indeed badly written, though: it should have reported all figures in detail. Strunk & White, my friends, Strunk& White... (i.e. W. STRUNK and E. B. WHITE, "The Elements of Style", aka "The Thin Book").

  6. No that was just a way for them to get people's attention, they have no political agenda except for making money and getting ratings. And it worked! That was wicked lame, the original headline seemed like it was only women and children and then the count was 150. Don't take that one asinine headline to mean that women get special treatment, they treat everyone like p**p

  7. This is a superb example of the simple fact that modern Feminists simply are not concerned with the well-being of men or boys.  In fact, they don't care for either, so this is a classic example of their inherent hypocrisy.

  8. I agree with you... the death of men is as tragic as women's

  9. they mentioned women& children because it is the majority number. in writing articles/ essays, the majority number is always highlighted first followed by minority, and since this involved only two subjects (men + women&children) so they don't have to mention what's minority one (men). -readers can do their own math.

    furthermore, children are usually mentioned with women. so women and children is one. 45 and 47 is only to show the figures difference.

    i find it kinda prejudice though. i dunno how it is to the men, but to women it does happen. while many of us are striving to be at the front line, many of us tripped; either by the men, or ourselves. it's kinda a payback pain to many of the female, except minority of female who are totally fortunate at the front line.

  10. evil femenism,they wanted women to get special treatment but they also wanted men to suffer.

  11. they should of reported 150 people died, if were all considered equal,  

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