
Why do women absolve themselves of all responsibility in domestic disputes?

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Why do women absolve themselves of all responsibility in domestic disputes?




  1. our society teaches women that we are never to be hit. which is good. it does not teach us that we should never hit. which is not good. so many women feel like they can say and do anything to a man and he should just take it. also, if they are still angry, playing the victim to police is a very passive agressive way to hurt him.

  2. like Stone Cold said, "WHAT!?"

  3. I think that that's a fair question. I believe that there are definitely some women that do not take responsibility for their part. They have a temper of their own but they can hide behind the *women are always the victims of DV* thing.

    note that i said some women. not all. I've known one woman that would taunt her husband until he snapped. another would follow him from room to room when he was walking away from her.

    a great deal of it is also to do with this belief that its only ever women that are abused and that's simply not true.

    while there are women out there that do not take responsbility I have to say however that the large majority that live in fear every single day are ridiculed, ignored and accused of staying because they like it, or staying because they're pathetic.

    and most of that comes from.... yup - other women

  4. Not all women. As a woman, I think it is important to argue gracefully, i.e, never use hurtful words, and/or based on facts...

    A lot of women came out way too strong, either because their unrealized dream of being treated like a princess, or they got hurt before and now they have to protect themselves.

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