
Why do women always ask "did you sleep with her" when you run into an ex or female friend out in public? ?

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we ran into my ex of many years at the mall, as soon as she walked away, that was her first question. Can't women just assume we had s*x prior to meeting them?




  1. Depends on the woman.  My bf and I never talk about previous relations.  I really do not want to know about where his whahoo has been.  So my man and I will not have this problem, but one of the answerer's down there was right, we can totally tell when you have bc your actions speak louder than words.  Guys get totally freaked out when they run into the ex with their current partner.  I have seen it.  Its actually a funny site.

  2. Sounds like she's insecure. Yes, hot attractive women can be insecure. That's why women get anorexic/bulimic - insecurity and/or a false self image.

    I would've told her I don't remember. My life didn't really begin until I got with you (corny, cheezy, but sometimes brings a smile).

  3. This is a very interesting question, and I have to agree with Heatherrrrr. I couldn't care less if my girl slept with her ex, as long as I have her now then that's all that matters.

  4. I don't ask this question, but my b/f certainly loves to.  It is the reverse for us.  

  5. just curious i guess, i mean during the dating part of ur relationship w/ur wife u should've already disclosed that info, so seeing that she had to ask is proof that you still have things that's hidden from her, that i think you guys should talk about!

  6. Cuz we want to know what type of girl you have slept with, but mostly just curiosity.

  7. Don't men just assume the same thing with us women??

    I mean, come on, she is wondering if you did, unless you have something to hide, what is the big deal in telling her straight up that you did or not??

    I am so sick and tired of women generalizing men and men always generalizing women, can't they see that it goes both ways??

  8. Depends on the guy.  I don't ask my husband that.  I know his history & I also know his exes.  However every girl I ran into with my ex I just had to ask.  Could have been a maid, a grocery store clerk, anybody.  He slept with anything that moved & it's nice to have a heads up on this kind of thing if I'm expected to hang out with them at a BBQ.

  9. Insecure women always love to torture themselves. Find a confident woman and you will not have that problem.  

  10.   True they do ask but when you get home they usaully show you the best time in bed that you ever had . Maybe subconsciously it turns them on

  11. Not ALL women do anything.  I've never asked that question, I just assume there was s*x and I don't want to know about it.

    She's probably comparng herself to your ex.  There's alittle insecurity in her.  That's why she asks.  There's nothing you can do about that.

  12. Women don't care as much about whether you did or didn't, they want to see how you respond to the questioning relative to how attractive the woman is.  (ie. if the woman is hot, and you say yes, your stature with wife might be boosted, if no, it's neutral.  however, if the woman is not attractive and you slept with her, your wife's ego takes a blow)

    Best is probably a cool quick reply like "not really (be vague)... we were friends for awhile, then she seemed to want to get serious, but I wasn't feeling it so I pulled away"

    This will establish that you were more desirable, could establish friendship with someone else, and had the integrity to pull away.

    Less favorable answers:

    1.  uuuhhmmmm...

    2.  yeah, several times i think

    3.  i still am

    4.  no, but i did do her friend megan a couple of times

    5.  how do you think i learned to do that one move you like

  13. I am the queen of asking that question.  We ask because we want to know.  What's the big deal?

  14. I hate to tell you this, but you guys are terrible at conducting yourselves normally around a women once you've slept with her.  You get all simpery and generally make a fool out of yourselves until we finally have to bring it up for you to calm down.  It's true, men think they're all sly but they're the absolute nuttiest.  Then we let you think it's us with the problem, golden.

  15. Because she is sizing up herself. Trying to figure out what made you like her and does she have it too. It is a combo of jealousy and insecurities.

  16. For the same reason you would ask if at the mall she talks to a man that you do not know. However women act smarter than men. In the b/f or husband company at the mall or elsewhere they pretend not to know this guy, they keep a straight face, have no conversation and we, men go back home happy. That is the reason why we do not ask that kind of questions because we will become unhappy, frustrated to know that this dude was there first.

    Only experience talking.

  17. 2 words 1) Jealousy and 2) Insecurity

  18. B/C when we're dating a guy we'd like to know everything about him. and if he's witholding any information that he should be telling me, then it's not cool at all, if i was dating my husband before we got married (obviously), and one of his ex's walked by and he hadn't told me about her, and he seemed chummy with her, of course i'd be interested in knowing if he had slept with her while they were dating, i mean that's info that he really shouldn't be leaving out, and that's just in the dating phase, man ur already married to her, u needed to let her know way before, so i do agree with Carla on this one, sorry!

  19. Well did you introduce the X as your X or as a friend? Because friend could mean that you didn't sleep with her. She just wants to know how intimate you guys were, that's all. My guy is a horndog...I just assume he has at some point slept with every girl...but he usually informs me when he hasn't.

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