
Why do women always find it necessary to discuss thier Periods ?

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Why do women always find it necessary to discuss thier Periods ?




  1. Because we want to give people the oppurtunity to run in the other direction when we are on our periods. Its a form of communication people understand why we are in the moods we are in and feel and look the way we do. Its only a caution method to talk about it to let others know dont mess with me:)  Seriously its fair game if people stick around and they knowingly know we are on our periods. Its a girl thing.

  2. Why do guys find it necessary to discuss belly button lint? Or is that something you do to gross out your girlfriends?

    Periods are part of our lives, so it's something that comes up in conversation sometimes. It's not like we "always" talk about it. We do talk about other things :)

  3. Why do men always find it necessary to complain about woman discussing their periods???

  4. We only discuss our periods with our Dr or female friends or female family members we are close to.  Some woman talk about it around men just to gross them out.

  5. because period problems can be a sign of a very serious illness and is usually the first sign something is wrong even if the rest of you feels fine. I dont think we find it necessary to talk about it. I dont, and my friends dont, but if you ever go with a woman to a regular doctor then you will find even they will ask a lot of questions about periods.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Guess we figure if we have to go through it every month you guys should at least have to hear about it!

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