
Why do women are so s**y?

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why do women are so s**y. I love their all body parts. Women are sexier than men , why ?I'm jealous of them




  1. Yes, I agree.. a womans body is a work of art

  2. mostly  more than 95 % expend money on their body product rather than household goods. whenever men  work like donkey.they don't have time care about his body.that is why women looks more s**y than men

  3. Mother nature.  The word before nature is MOTHER.  We have to deal with being pregnant and all so you should consider you lucky since you don't have to do that and you get to look at the ladies.  

  4. we are soft and have much more stuff to play with.

  5. what are u talking about?  why do women are so s**y? im not sure what you are asking

  6. Haha, behind nice well have they and they yes s**y so are.


  7. Girls just have More curves and naturally sexier.  

  8. I don't get the question. In an they're attractive sorta way or I want to be a women transgender sorta way. Ifs the first one okayyyyy. And ifs the second one maybe you should seek counseling and see ifs really what you wanna be. If it isn't good no you know and if it is go for it. You only have one life to live and you should live it to the fullest.

  9. Were just lucky like that although ive seen some pretty s**y men but its few and far between. I think the sexiest part on a man is there back. There thighs and stuff are kinda gross but a womens body is pretty from top to bottom I have to agree.  

  10. Cos they've got better curves than us!

  11. why would you be jealous, unless you want to be a woman yourself??

    do you?

    why dont you build a better body for yourself. Start wright lifting and building muscle then you will get more women cuz they love muscles.

  12. haha i guess were just lucky

  13. there's an operation for people like you...

  14. for some animals, it's the mal who is impressive and seductive, for's the female!

  15. Why do some men are so not?

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