
Why do women assume they are born knowing what to do?

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It seems like most women assume they are born knowing what what do in the bedroom, but actually know nothing.


For women who do know what to do, where/how did you learn ? Share it with your more inept female counterparts.




  1. Probably for the same reason many men think they do and have no idea why the women they are with are less than pleased.

  2. woman just have motherly insticts and first actions have common sense, seriously though, re search it, google, not that they know it all, and not that all are smart, but yeah...

  3. From my experience a good 60% or more of women don't have a CLUE what to do in the bed room. Half of them can't even KISS right.

    The arrogence women have comes from men being too accomidating and not letting them know how much they suck in bed. Women are told that everything they do is right, and a man is LUCKY to even get a CHANCE to touch their bodies at all!!! Therefore, women have a false sense of security.

    Sad inteed...

  4. It's not a female trait. It's a human trait. Human's are arrogant and so confident in our abilities which are actually lacking.

    I could take your argument, change women to men and ask the exact same question based on experiences with men my friends and I have had. Does that mean we are correct in our assumption?

    No, it actually does more to prove my original statement that humans in general are arrogant.

    s*x isn't something I learned from a book or even a friend. s*x is something my husband and I have experimented with endlessly to find out what suits us and our needs. It's different for every person. There really is no cut and dry way to have good s*x.

  5. Everyone's different.  Some people just have the confidence to pull it off, talented or not.  Others just need more practice.  It's all a matter of how you approach it.  And those who think they know, but don't, just enjoy the comfort of the facade, and it could be that the lie helps them cope better :)

  6. We don't always know what to do so tell us.

  7. Oh wow. Hahaha - I was clueless for years. Just takes practice with the one you love, mate. That's all. Be patient, and TELL her what you want. She's inept because she doesn't know, so tell her.

  8. I don't know about "born knowing what to do" but if the guy knows how to do his part, hers will come naturally.

  9. Thats funny because yesterday I was asking a friend the same thing about men.

  10. yep I do know it all!!  how did  you know?? wow! you are good! ask my husband he will tell you i know it all..... :D

  11. Perhaps it's less that women know what to DO, and more women know what they like?

  12. I don't think I was born knowing what to do.  Sometimes just "showing up" is enough for some men, sometimes it's not.  Some men are just so excited that you are there and naked, that you don't have to do anything else.  Of course that's not always the case, and every man is different and likes different things.  That's why I think someone who is good in bed is someone who makes and effort, listens, and takes direction well.  

    Of course, in general men seem to be a lot easier to please (from what I've heard, I've only slept with men so I cant' say from experience!) than women.

    I'd almost say it's the opposite way around - most men I've been with have first touched me in a way that makes me think other women's vaginas are made of steel.  The guy above me says men have coddled women too much basically, instead of telling them they suck in bed.  Well it works the other way around too - that's why women fake, because they don't have the nerve to tell men what they're doing wrong and how they can improve.  I think I may be one of the few women who never fake.

  13. Heck, men are happy if you show up!  

    Do any of them ever complain about technique?

  14. i honestly don't think that most women act or seem like they know everything

    i really don't

    in fact i find most women are open (and want to!) talk about it with other women.

    interesting point of view

  15. I have never heard a woman say they were born knowing what to do! Women are taught, by either reading , talking to other women ----here one for you! Lots of us woman are taught by our partners , by communicating, to please each other!

    Would you say you were born knowing what to do? I think not you were taught by either someone, or got your information from a guy, book or movie!

    So you could say we  are equals Men and Women alike, we all have to learn and the best way is to communicate with each other !  Basically we are all alike, but we all have different likes and dislikes and we are not going to know this out speaking to each other or communicating this some how!

  16. Um, actually, many men ARE happy with a woman who just shows up and lays there.

    And many, many men haven't the faintest clue how to satisfy a woman.  If all she does is "show up and lie there", you're doing it wrong.

  17. p**n flicks, experienced partners.

  18. No brag. Just fact.

    Seriously, it's hard to talk to a lover about what will please or what you think might make s*x a more gratifying experience for you. I love my husband, but I often feel like he doesn't want any more than a hole to squirt in. It doesn't make me want to jump and shout. When I try to make s*x something I can enjoy as much as I enjoy the rest of our time together, he goes defensive on me and... Well... Is that you asking this question Jim?

  19. I learned by reading my father's p**n magazines in his bottom dresser drawer.  They inspired me and today I make water-colorings and write erotic vignettes to give as gifts to lady friends called "Masturbation Fantasies for Little Old Ladies".  They are hot in my circle of friends, those books AND the ladies!  : )

  20. I'm sure this isn't true, but I suspect you're about to offer to give classes.

    *Rolls eyes*

    Good luck with that ...

  21. I completely dispute your assertion.  Most women, and that includes me in my youth, know little or nothing about what to do in bed.  it was assumed that the man would teach you.  I learned by reading books, which I hid under my mattress.  While some of the movement does seem to come naturally, you might learn something by watching a light p**n show on Cable  "Skinamax."

  22. you must be a man asking???? otherwise you would know!!!!

  23. I've never talked with any woman who thought she knew what she was doing the first and subsequent times. And, for all of them, their partner didn't know anything either.

    Practice. Reading. Communication. Experimentation. Creative thought. Time.

    C. :)

  24. Oh I like Oh,Do!Do!s answer :o) Seriously...anyways I do not think most women assume they know what to do. Maybe it is the ones you've asked or encounted but in general I would say most would agree they do not know everything.

    The best way of learning is thru experience and with an experience person or two even another experienced woman! Be safe of course....also this may sound daft but the Harlequin romance books etc give some good pointers (i remember reading those as a young teen lol) especially in the romance area and creative ideas perhaps. p**n can be good I suppose if you want to act like a p**n star most of that is so far over the top I think if you tried some of that the guys gonna be like "WOW where did you learn that!?" but again it will still take practice, if your game depending on what you want to learn popsicles can help with oral techniques. also asking your partner what they like is a huge part as well as tell them what you like, if you are not sure experiement! In the end though You won't know without doing....

  25. Takes two to make it right, Maybe it is you with the problem. Just a thought. Perhaps if you knew more things it would work out and the chemistry would be wonderful.These lovers who are great lovers now had to be taught by someone!

  26. Maybe you aren't a good enough f%%% to waste her energy on!!!!Did you think maybe it's you????

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