
Why do women care so much about buying an expensive pocketbook?

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I mean seriously, what do you really get out of in having a $1500 purse? Is it the look, the prestige of saying you own one? What is it?




  1. I don't own any purses or handbags that cost even half of that sum you mentioned.  All the bags I own cost under $100, and I happen to adore them.  

  2. Good question.  Especially Louis Vuitton.  When I see one, I just laugh.  Ugly and overpriced, but a good bag for an insecure, social climbing poser.

  3. I can't justify spending $1500 on a purse, but I also can't justify buying junk or items that will just rip to shreds within a week.

    While I don't shop at Chanel, I don't shop at Wal-Mart either.

    I make enough money that I can dress myself and not look why shouldn't I? I have a Guess indulgance. I will admit that I buy anything Guess...because it's fashionable and reasonably priced. I've worked too hard to get where I am to buy garbage or to look like my entire outfit cost $20.00. I'm worth more than a $15.00 bag. Most women are. Who cares what we spend on bags anyway? I honestly can't believe people are keeping track...

  4. Don'know. I buy mine at Walmart, Target, Payless, Or Kohls. I'm not going to buy an expensive purse, I can pay the mortage with that kind of money.  

  5. Heavens, I get mine at Walmart.  I change four times a year...or more.  And I do not even have $1500 to my name at the moment.  

    I cannot tell you why having expensive brand name items are important to anyone, but I don't think its just a female thing anyway.

  6. Greed, and shallowness. I still shop at Icing's or Claire's. I think my trusty tan faux-leather purse is still more attractive than an oversized Louis Vuitton handbag with a rat/dog in it...

  7. I think women like having expensive purses because a certain type of person will recognize how fancy and nice it is. Just like how guys tend to be impressed with another guy who has a REALLY nice car, some women will be impressed with a nice purse. It's a class thing. Also, with a purse, it's not like an outfit that they where one an awhile, it's something they can wear everyday, thus getting the most money out of it.

    Not all women think this way though. This is only a certain group, keep that in mind.

  8. Why do men care so much about buying expensive "status" cars when all a car has to do is get you from point A to point B and keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer?

  9. I don't care for expensive purses or pocket books.  I don't want my purse to cost more than the contents of my wallet.

  10. Women like nice things like jewelery and high-end handbags by Chanel, Prada and so forth because it gives them a sense of pleasure to enjoy these splendors, not much differently than men who enjoy high-end motor vehicles as a status symbol.

  11. Probably for the same reason men care so much about buying expensive, useless status symbols.

  12. I don't. But I know they sell men's wallets for hundreds of dollars as well. I don't understand either one. Shallowness, I suppose.

  13. It has to be to impress other women because a man can't tell a $39 pocketbook from a $15,000 pocketbook. ( straight men anyway )

  14. I don't carry expensive purses.

    I'm bound to get melted chocolate, Ink, or Lotion in the bottom of every bag I carry, destroying it.

    So I buy my bags at Target.

    I have some special occasion ones.. and some that I've gotten as gifts.. but I don't carry them everyday, and there's nothing that cost over $300.

  15. What's a pocketbook?  ÃƒÂ‚£40 is my tops for a handbag  :-)

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