
Why do women cheat ? Why not just leave him ?

by Guest57270  |  earlier

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I dont understand why women cheat....I mean if a guy cant stimulate me mentally and physically I drop him. If the guy suck in bed leave him and get with the guy your dying to get with, ya know. The guy isnt obviously going to make u completly happy so why do women cheat and still try to make it work ? Is it because he makes good money? Do yall get along well( not good n bed should be friend) ? All of these questions are excuses, and are plans for a bad relationship n then end ! If a man cant satisfy you mentally and physically dont cheat on him LEAVE HIM. Want do yall think about this ? Also if u cheated b4 why did u do it ?




  1. You know, sometimes I wonder the exact same thing about men who have a bit on the side, yet still come home at the end of the day to their wife, kids and a cosy home.

    The answer of this Q is both genders having their cake and eating it too.

  2. they usually want the best of both worlds.

    The guy they stay with has the money, the house, the retirement account, in short - the GOLD.

    The guy that she's fcking on the side has the big horsedick.

    Women always want both.  If they can't have both in one man, they will cheat.

    But money always trumps d**k, so if they can't have a rich man with a big d**k, they will settle for a rich man, and the d**k is a bonus.

  3. lol..vengeance,maybe.

    oh well, not all women base their relationship on physical stimulation. different people have different priorities.

    those women probably have their reasons for not leaving the the can't just come up with ideas or assumptions and make a decision like that. one has to know and understand their reasons.


  4. I agree with babypops.  I reckon a lot of people who cheat do it because their primary relationship is emotionally unfulfilling.  Perhaps they could leave, but when there are children involved it's not so easy.

    Of course sometimes it's just opportunism - there's an opportunity to get it on with someone hot and no one will ever find out.  That's hard to turn down.

    Leaving a long term relationship isn't an easy decision to make and sometimes cheating is a factor that makes a person think about what they really want from life.

  5. I asked my Ex this when I caught her cheating. Her answer was, She was not made for marriage. She said variety is the spice of life and being married, caused her to realize this. Apparently her Mother is the same way. She has been married 8 times.

  6. That's easy enough when you aren't married, have a job that supports you completely and don't have children to worry about. I read questions from married women that feel the romance has gone out of the relationship and want some excitement in their life, someone to pay attention to them. I think a lot of women who have affairs really want the man, but married men will usually ditch the women they cheat with and stay with the wife.

  7. It is NOT about s*x. Women in general need to feel appreciated and desireable. Often with a long term partner that is the thing that goes first. Another man will come along who offers those feelings again and affair can begin. Again though the affair does not have to be one of a sexual nature.

    You don't want to leave your long term partner (initially at least) because you have other ties such as children, pets and financial responsibilites. Nothing in life is quite so cut and dry.

  8. Some women, like some men, just want a bit of variety.  They may find their husbands quite satisfactory in bed, but still be up for a bit on the side.  They may enjoy the illicit excitement of having an affair, it adds spice to their lives.  They may have a genuine passion for another person, but still not want to leave their long-time partner.

    They won't necessarily want to leave their husbands for the other man, any more than all married men who have affairs want to ditch their wives.  There are other factors that keep a couple together apart from s*x, i.e.  love, companionship, children, etc.  They won't necessarily want to break up their marriages just because they find s*x enjoyable with someone else.  There's more to marriage than s*x.

  9. you sound like a man behind a female avatar. men cheat too if not probably MORE than women since they like variety and think of s*x 69 times a day. so stop pending this only on women. i dont know the mind of a cheater and never will i know. why dont they just leave instead of doing what they know is wrong.  they are one of the selifsh groups of people in this world. thats all its about.

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