
Why do women complain about the toilet seat being up?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, so I understand it has to be down when you use the restroom. But here's my problem with females that actually complain about it. takes about 2 seconds to lower it...just do it. 2...if it's because you don't wanna fall in, then look before you sit. You should do that anyways...kinda nasty not to...never know if something got on it. 3...if you expect it to always be down...then you're telling us men that when we use the rest room we have to lift the seat (so nothing gets on it), then when we're done...lower it back down. Why should we pull double duty instead of equal duty. Men lift the seat...women lower the seat. Always wanting equal rights...share equal responsibility.




  1. I don't complain about it.  

  2. This is right it only takes 2 seconds to put it down so just DO IT. It is gross leaving it up all the airborne germs everywhere I mean who wants to enter the bathroom and see all the bowl exposed.

  3. I dunno dude haha I just keep it down cuz my gf wouldn't shut up about it.  

  4. Men are nasty...plain and simple. It's sad some of you can't even pee into a freaking bowl. Isn't that enough? Just put it down...

  5. I don't think many of us really care, I don't like you said it does only take a maxi um of 2 seconds to lower it, although the thing about equal rights was uncalled for.  Its probably they are just tired of having to readjust the seat every time.

  6. It doesn't take very long for you to keep the toilet seat down.

  7. It's a non prob. The only seat you do it with is at home.  Most

    businesses and public toilets have both stand up and sit down facilities. Many are made so even the girl can stand and do it.  The seat thing is quickly becoming passe.

  8. it also takes 2 seconds to put it down...

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