Ok having played a little game for around 3 months with 6 men and their girlfriends we set about tidying up our little acts with regards to the things that our partners have been complaining about, monitoring our progress over beer as we go. What we all come to agree on is that all of our women must have grown up on some kind of Jane austen fantasy land where any mail just never is going to fit into the boots of Mr Darcy.
Having taken each of their complaints one by one and noting them down we set about resolving them for great periods of time but found a pattern that one complaint would be switched for another alternate, for example:
Complaint about never loading the dishwasher would be switched for not loading the dishwasher right and then further switched for not unloading it, again repeated further on down the line about not running the self cleaning program after periods.
This pattern emerged in all 7 of us, finding that the level of "nagging" as we call it generally lowered but the amount of subject nagged about remained at a constant. All of us generally admit it would be impossible to keep this up over a period of let's say our whole life but we still don't have the answers of why other than the comical answer that Jane Austen style picture of the perfect man leads them to dissapointment, expressed only by their complaining ;-p
Your answers to pass to our international convention are warmly accepted (international convention = pub friday nights in Berlin if you interested hehe)