
Why do women deny the fact that they enjoy watching p**n and male strippers ?

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a girl i know is actually addicted to p**n, isn't somehow strange, specially that i heard that women are more into sweet talking and stuff like that




  1. Go and get the statistics from the s*x shops.  Men buy, books and video's.  Woman buy clothing and gadgets.  And those are only statistics - plenty of both sexes that break that rule.


  2. We only enjoy watching male strippers because they're HILARIOUS. You can't help but laugh at a guy who swivels his hips like that.

    As for p**n, yes, some women like it, but you can't expect all women to think like your friend.

  3. We don't. but that's just fun, being into 'sweet talking' you are referring I presume to relationships? That's compltetly different.

    EDIT: I think also there is social embarassment. Men are more open about watchign p**n which off course leads to masturbation. but I personally would be very embarassed to think that anyone that know me would realise that I do that.

  4. There's very little p**n out there that does anything for me. Male strippers are generally good for the comedy value but that's about it :-)

  5. Male strippers are usually kind of tacky. Unless it's a candy-gram.

  6. I've only watched p**n to follow the lame story, ie. husband got kidnapped, wife has s*x with police and kidnappers to free him...kind of funny.  Males strippers are just hilarious to watch..I could never sit through a show with a straight face I imagine...never been to one but I wouldn't want to.  I am attracted to guys who don't care much about their appearance, the muscles and stuff are a turn off to me.

  7. I have been at various stripping events and clubs

    women stripping for men

    men stripping for men

    both some what civilized and tame

    men stripping for women

    women stripping for women

    behavior leaves something to be desired

    haha, i have an ex who would bring dvds back and complain that they weren't hard enough and another who would "read" p**n mags for men.

  8. some p**n is ok, but male strippers are ridiculous. sorry, but i don't get all hot and bothered by g*y men dancing around in speedos and bow ties.


  9. You must be very young, very immature, and not that experienced with woman.

    Some like it , some don't, no big deal either way.

    I hear women talk about it all the time, and many of us watch it with our partners, again no big deal.

  10. Male not appealing.  They stick their junk in your face, most of them are g*y,and it's all around cheesy.  Not gross or degrading, just cheesy.  Most women don't like it.

  11. I am not sure they do deny it, but statistics show this is a male social problem. It is addictive and will lead to other behaviours. Perhaps women have better things to do with their time.

  12. Why do you generalize so?

    I have never said that I do not enjoy watching p**n. As a matter of fact I quite enjoy it. And if I have said I don't enjoy watching male strippers it would be because I don't.

    BTW, when I hear 'sweet talk' from a man, my radar goes off telling me that this guy has only one motive and probably does not care about me in the slightest.

  13. no denial here.

  14. I like hentai

    and g*y p**n..

    and i get both with yaoi!

    but ive never actually seen a male they get mad if you throw quarters at them? also would they get mad if you asked if they stuffed?

  15. Uh, it's not true that all women enjoy watching p**n and male strippers. Fewer women than men are visually turn-ed on; and the things that turn us on are, in general, different that what turns on men, in general. Thus, more men than women like p**n and strippers.

    It's also not true that all women deny enjoying p**n and  strippers. I've known women who admit it.

    You know ONE girl who's addicted to p**n and denies it, therefore ALL women are identical to that one girl? That's just crazy.

  16. p**n is one thing, male strippers is entirely different-- who wants to see a waxy shlong?

  17. Um there are women who enjoy pornography just as there are men who do to. Personally, I have never been inclined to watch it, it's just not my thing, and I know there are men who don't watch it too. I don't know what you mean by 'sweet talking' but I don't think I'm into that either...

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