
Why do women dream more than men?

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  1. I'm going out on a limb here to say... women are more emotional and sensitive as opposed to men. Dreams are normally an outlet for the subconscious mind. So women normally being bigger worriers than men and other things ... you get the point.

  2. I think I heard somewhere that everyone dreams every night and the same number of dreams per night. Maybe women can just remember them better.

  3. Dream is thought carried forward into the non-waking state; or, in other words, thoughts are the basis, the substratum, of the content of dreams.

    Now,as the thoughts of women are more varied, that is, they are spread over a larger area of the daily life, of the daily routine, if you like, women will have more 'thought seeds' to become dreams later than men do, whose preoccupations have to do mainly with the workplace. And even if men should try to belittle women's 'thinking a lot, but only about chores and trivial, everyday matters', the fact remains that survival depends ultimately on those everyday, trivial, matters.

    So it is not, really, that women dream more than men in the sense that they spend more time in dream than men do, only that their time dreaming will be more varied in content than men's. A better way to put it would be that women have more dreams, rather than they dream more, than men.

  4. It would be interesting to see a citation or reference as to the basis, validity and reliability of your post.

    Who has said and shown ( with accurate, reliable, verifiable data collected in a methodological manner using a systematic research, etc.) that women dream more than men?

    Be well.

  5. They are more creative, sensitive and spiritual in nature.  Whereas men's lives are driven by logic.

  6. i think women want more out of life

  7. because they dream for both themselves and for men.

    that's why I guess.



  8. i also would like to know this question lol. Im a man and i only dream like 3 times a month and remember them.  Sometimes i do have dreams but don't remember them so maybe your assumption is wrong that women dream more than men

  9. maybe they have more imagination...or idk i guess it realy depend on the person

    plz asnwer

  10. I don't think they do. They probably talk about their dreams more than men, so they tend to remember them more often and for longer periods of time. This may lead to belief they dream more.

  11. I wish you had provided a reference to a scientific study (studies) for this in which they actually measured time spent dreaming.  I'm not sure it's true.  If it is, it would be because women have more unresolved issues to work through. They might need more time for the brain to restore itself after waking time.

  12. Women are down to earth.It is men who dream while awake.

  13. because women have more imaginations when men only believe in reality.

  14. Every single person dreams maybe five or so dreams every single night. It's just a matter of remembering them or not.

    It's called REM sleep and everyone does it and that's what makes people dream.

  15. hmm..

    women dream more..

    is it that women remember there dreams .. as they have a deep heart which make them more sensitive ,they always try to feel every  little thing.

    (but let me tell you i dont do daydreaming lol

    i only dream at night)

  16. I had no idea that women dreamt more than men.

  17. both men a women are dreamers some dream more than others regardless of genders.

  18. How do you know they do? Have you spent a lifetime as both and compared the number of dreams to each other? If you haven't, you don't truely know if they do or not

  19. Probably it has a lot to do with hormones, blood sugar and electrolyte levels.

  20. Everybody dreams the same. Women simply remember them more. They also remember colors more.

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