
Why do women (especially in fast food places) stand in longer lines waiting for a free toilet??

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Why do women (especially in fast food places) stand in longer lines waiting for a free toilet??




  1. Because we wipe and men don't. They shake. Thanks have a nice day!

  2. SORRY, but what has this to do with "dining out"?

  3. cause guys are quicker in the toilet.. theres no doors or wiping involved!!

  4. cos its the only way you can get to use the toilet, if you gotta go you gotta go...

  5. Sometimes the conversation in the toilet line is better.

  6. Because they are  saving the money to buy shoes.

    Note ... Miss Cara.  'Braniac' did a survey on toilet times for M and F's and the girls were in and out faster on average, but had fewer facility's due to the need for cubicles and only being allocated the same floor space in most places.

  7. Because we can't whip out our p***s and pee behind a dumpster, for one.  Secondarily, we actually have to undress from the waist down, sit on a toilet, void waste, and wipe. Also, there are women who hover, and spray all over everything like a cat, so others have to clean up after these slobs to go. Other women take their time layering the seat with toilet paper and seat liners because they are concerned over the hygiene of using said public toilet.  Some women spend a little more time doing some of these things than others, and some women are doing other things in there, too.  There are some elaborate maintenance issues that arise with the female "set up" down there, typically once a month, though there are a couple health conditions that may add time to bathroom use.  

    many women also have a c**p load of stuff with them to set some where or attach to the door hook - jackets and purses.

  8. Coz the guys toilets are usually too disgusting to even contemplate going into.

  9. Obviously if you're at a fast food restaurant then you don't have much money.  Women have more clothes to take off than men and why pay to go to the bathroom???

  10. Women take longer.

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