
Why do women feel embarrassed about walking around naked in their changing rooms but men don't?

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Its not like theres any sexual harassment




  1. How do you know this is true?  You've been in a women's locker room while they're changing to observe?  After having been in the military and going through public changing and public showers etc., I have no problem about changing in front of other women.  Doesn't even register to me.  And, in fact, I know more women who care less about getting naked in front of other women than I know those who are bothered by it.  To be honest, the few I do run across that seemed embarrassed by it are confusing to me.  I mean, its just a body and we all have the same parts.  I don't see what the big deal is.

  2. Society.

  3. I dont feel embarrassed...  

  4. Men are usually exhibitionists

  5. Wrong on both counts.


  6. Women are extremely self-conscious of their physical marketability. Every time they see themselves naked they find another flaw that is ground shaking. Men on the other hand know that they have several qualities that make them attractive and not all are hinged to their physical appearance.  

  7. What you say is true, regardless of the comments of some. At our gym we have some very frank inter s*x discussions. Most of the ladies will admit to this. Also, you can tell that some of them aren't in there long enough to have a shower. Many use the excuse, I prefer to go home. I have never met a guy who wont shower though. So, denial is futile.

  8. Personally, I just don't like to walk around naked in front of perfect strangers - even though they are women.  I have no hang ups whatsoever about my body.

    However, the women who don't have a problem walking around naked in a changing room are usually the over 60's, who have saggy b***s & couldn't care less what anyone things about them.  I say good on them, but it also isn't the most pleasurable thing to look at!!

  9. Woman are trained from birth to view each other as the competition.  We constantly compare our selves to each other, so when we are naked around other women we know they are looking.

    We judge each other harshly and then vindictively talk about each other behind our backs to anyone who will listen.  we play mind games and hold grudges.  Guys have it easy.

  10. It's not about sexual parts, I would be embrassed of people seeing my fatty bits!

  11. Men aren't nearly as likely to have peeping toms and hidden cameras in their dressing rooms.

  12. In this society, women are constantly being compared to and having to compare themselves to 'perfect' images in the media. Think about it. In mens magazines there are pictures of perfect semi naked women and in womens magazine there are pictures of perfect semi naked women.

    As a result, feeling their bodies are imperfect or even ugly, women are reluctant to show them (even for practicality's sake in a changing room) and any women who do are considered weird or over confident. Some women will look at another woman walking around naked in a changing room in disgust not realising they're reinforcing this view that women should cover up.

  13. Because women have low self esteem and ***** about each other

  14. well most men dont like looking g*y so they consetrate on getting dressed than sitting and waching there ***** Lol

    : ) Coobycoo

  15. Yeah I never feel embarrassed walking around naked in women's changing rooms either. lol

  16. "Woman are trained from birth to view each other as the competition. We constantly compare our selves to each other, so when we are naked around other women we know they are looking.

    We judge each other harshly and then vindictively talk about each other behind our backs to anyone who will listen. we play mind games and hold grudges."

    Yeah, you guys are horrible people, tell me about it.  

  17. I think it depends on the person. My husband is just as shy about being naked in the changeroom as I am. And I've changed with a ton of women who I wish were more shy about wandering around naked! LOL Some people are modest or whatever else and don't want to go naked in front of other people. Others don't care and are totally comfortable with it.

    For myself, I just don't like being naked in front of people other than my husband. It isn't that I have hangups about my body or that I worry that someone will say something nasty behind my back. For what it's worth I think my body looks  good. I'm tall, and even though I'm pregnant I'm still slim (except for my stomach LOL). My husband thinks I look fabulous so it really doesn't matter a bit if some strange woman in the changeroom thinks I look disgusting. The reason I don't like being nude in front of others is that my body is private and not something I wish to share with other people.

  18. well lack of confidence in their bodies....and i heard men have a respectful eyes always above waist moto

  19. Navy boot room shower, eight shower heads, 40 women have ten mins to get clean.

    No women holding back there

  20. I can't believe no one has said this... but I am a little concerned with how you know that women feel embarrassed about walking around naked in their changing rooms?  After all you are not supposed to be in there.  Remember those old stories about the camera's in the mirrors and the perverted men watching women change?  I think this guy might still be doing it.

    The women you are watching might sense that there is something wrong in that changing room.  They may sense you and that is giving them the creeps.

  21. Because women are far more critical about other womens bodies than men are!

  22. where the h**l did you get that from? we get topless on the beach here. It doesnt bother me at all. I would get naked anywhere, why does it matter everyone has seen a girl naked before what would the big deal be?

    my friends dont get embarassed when we were at school we saw each other naked 100s of times. i have seen all my friends that are girls naked and they always walk round my bedroom naked when we are getting ready for nights out and i have see plenty of women naked in the swimming baths and in clothes shops. maybe you dont like it in America but we have no problem with it here.

  23. cuz guys love showing their wangs!  ITs a competition, girls, there is no competition, maybe b*****s, so whats the point

  24. Because the woman's body is much more attractive than that of a man. The lady feels shes been admired.

  25. why are you even looking in a women's changing rooms hey????

  26. "Why do women feel embarrassed about walking around naked in their changing rooms?"

    Most of them don't. Not sure where you're getting your facts from.

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