
Why do women feel like they just have to have babies?

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i'm tired of this nonsense. everytime i meet a girl she asks me on the first date if i want kids. what a turn off.

arent there any women out there who never, ever want kids? im so sick of having to feel like i have 3 heads for my desire to never have kids.




  1. yeah there are those "no-kids-for-me" type of women out there, but most of us just have those "motherly-instincs" in us! But i'm sorry to say that this question you've asked made u look very conceted. - - - OH AND UR NAME DOES THE SAME!

  2. Instead of snarking about them behind their backs, why not just tell them you don't want kids?  You won't waste your time or theirs.  Or are you afraid you'll never get laid?

    So - it's okay for you to ask them on the first date if they want kids, but it's not okay for them to ask you.

  3. So you have dated every woman in the world.  Your question implies that all women just have to have babies, yet you ask, if there is someone here who doesn't.  Isn't that redundant?  If all women want babies, why ask?  You and your overgeneralizing question have already made up your mind.  Next time, say, "Why do the very few women who have agreed to go out with me want a baby?"

  4. On the FIRST date? Presumptuous much?

    I don't ever want to have kids, and at least two of my girlfriends feel the same way.

  5. People want to have kids to make life more interesting and pretty.

    It's also natural, since thats how humans are still alive.

    Not everyone wants them tho :P, find a woman who doesn't.

    That's easier and easier, women are starting to not want kids anymore.

  6. The inherent dogma of post-modern feminism espouses the notion that the foetus ("fetus" as per American English) is merely a parasitic entity occupying an individual's body habitus without a proper permit, thus post-modern feminism detests the unborn baby and advocates its demise in addition to its well-documented inherent hatred of men and those in disagreement with its underlying ideology, and countless other groups which are otherwise entirely neutral and have never posed a threat to anyone, in any capacity despite some rhetoric about a 'Partiarchy' which apparently accounts and justifies this hateful ideology to the majority, for reasons which elude me.

    The women who are left that feel they must have children will be a relic in short order  as they are in defiance of post-modern feminist ideology, and they will likely be eradicated in a similar fashion as men with the advancement and integration of post-modern feminism into every aspect of life in the Western world.

    The best way to avoid the need for having children if you're not interested is to obtain a proper vasectomy, which can be performed as an out-patient procedure, thus the woman cannot blame you for your inability to conceive, and secular law has not yet been modified to criminalise a man who has undergone vasectomy without express permission from a post-modern feminist board of examiners, so for a short whilst this may remain a legal way to ensure non-conception.

  7. I think most people do want to have children.  However, it does seem a rather odd subject to bring up on a first date, it is certainly not something I would ever have discussed with a man unless we had been together a long time and he had brought up the subject of matrimony (I would never have dreamt of raising the subject myself).

    I'm sure there are women who do not want to have children, but like men who don't want to have children, they are likely to be in the minority, the human race would never survive otherwise.  So you may have to shop around to find them.  But in any case I really don't think this is the kind of thing that is appropriate to discuss on a first date.

  8. Don't worry. The sane ones wouldn't want babies with you anyway.

  9. Why do men feel like they just have to have s*x?

    See the connection?

  10. Well, there is a dating service on the internet called "No Kids Please" or something to that effect. It's for those who prefer to remain childless by choice. I am childless by choice, and so is my husband. We've been married 13 years, so yes, there is someone out there for you. You just have to keep looking. Not everybody wants them. I was one of them.

  11. There are women that do not want babies, you may not notice them since they are too busy acting like men.

  12. its biological instinct

  13. That's really odd for a girl to ask that on a first date.  Because you say every girl you date asks you that, you must examine why you are attracted to only the kind of girl who would ask that.  Subconsciously, there is something about that type you like.  Isolate that quality(s) and then seek that quality in a wider variety of women to discover if it is separable or not from the baby-fever component. Your pheromones may be leading you by the nose, too, howling and demanding of you some match-up with exactly those female phermones out there that say the loudest to you chemically, "Come breed with me and make babies."

  14. I never did and never regretted it either. But then, I'm the exception not the rule.

    EDIT: According to the brilliant wit "Maxpower" in order to be thought of as feminine you have to p**p out batches of brats. LOL! What a moron!

  15. yea, there are. But when we say we don't want kids,  we get ridiculed and told we're "nontraditional" because we chose not too.

  16. I can't believe a woman would ask that on the first date!  That seems a bit odd.  

    Anyways, there are a lot women who don't want children.  

    I have a close friend of mine has never wanted children, and she found and married a man who felt the same way.  Just keep looking and you will find a suitable woman.

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