
Why do women & feminists always associate "masculinity" with bad & evil? Instead of appreciating aspects of it

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Yet they ignore all the great accomplishments masculinity has created. Dissident feminists like Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers state that too many feminists focus on masculinity as being the source of bad things like sexual preying and serial killings. And most feminists never have admiration and appreciation of masculinity. Paglia and Sommers assert that masculinity is the "most creative cultural force in history". How could anyone disagree? Paglia stated that when she crosses a bridge, in awe, she realizes "men designed and built this".

How many of you feminists here ever appreciated the accomplishments, ideologies, and ingenuity from men?

To me, if a feminist is able to ignore the innumerable great accomplishments and contributions from masculinity, while only focusing on the bad; to the point that society thinks of masculinity as being a pathology -- it allows me to believe that jealousy & envy of masculinity coupled with a feeling of self-inadequecy of femininity.




  1. Masculinity with is associated with males and feminists range between dislike and extreme hatred of males.   There you have it.

  2. Uh, whoever told you women and feminista always associate masculinity with bad and evil were lying to you. I don't know what made them invent such a stupid, and obviously false lie, but no one who had any sense at all would have believed it.

    Paglia is a fruit-cake; I never pay any attention to what she spews; I don't know who Sommers is, and don't much care.

    If that's what she states, then she's bat-sh*t crazy, too.

    It's silly to say that masculinity itself is the most creative cultural force in history. Everyone with a brain disagrees. Not every aspect of every man is 'masculinity' -- only a very few characteristics are; genuis isn't a masculine trait; it's a trait of some people (both flavors of humans include a few geniuses).

    Yes, most bridges were designed and built by men; that has nothing to do with masculinity.

    I appreciate the accomplishments, ideologies, and ingenuity of all people who accomplish great things, have developed inspiring ideologies, and shown great ingenuity. To lack appreciation for these things just because the people displaying them were women is stupid.

    Uh, so you believe a bunch of lies that bat-sh*t crazy people have made up, and then conclude that feminists are jealous of accomplishments?

    If you didn't start from lies, your reasoning would be sounder and you'd come to reasonable conclusions, instead of insane ones.

    Try it!

  3. Masculine and feminine are both social constucts so the feminists you speak off are probably talking about the negative learning process that is ingrained by social training.

    By your name we can see you don't like females anyway and see yourself as superior which is exactly what Paglia and Sommers meant.

    You are a great example of an answer to your own question.

  4. "If writing makes me masculine, I can not deny my male side" 1500's Alphra Behn first paid female writer.

    The accomplishments of humanity was not done on the backs of men alone...I only ask for a little balance.

  5. Well, men are very obsessed with muscles, not to mention women seem to think that men are violent and like to pick fights.

  6. thats a stereotype, not all feminists are against masculinity. they just think that men should not be treated like they are better than women, and they shouldn't. most feminists are all for equality.

    nowadays men and women are treated equally. its time you accepted that.

    and the only people who say the phrase "boys rule, girls drool" or visa virsa are six year olds. you need to get over yourself.

  7. Many women don't;...

    check out some of the responses to that question.

    Problem solved.


    Well said Untamed!

  8. A better question:  why do some people attribute qualities to entire groups of people, using the hyperbolic "always" to bolster their own straw man argument rather than seeing the nuances among members of any particular group?

    Your question, quite unintentionally I'm sure, is dripping with irony.  You use a mallet where a pair of tweezers is all that is required.  

    I think Paglia has a point (in that men have on occasion done decent stuff), but I think you ignore and/or minimize the other "innumerable great accomplishments" of masculinity (e.g. war, colonialism, etc).  At best it's a mixed bag (no pun intended).  So, pardon me if I don't fall to my knees and feel like blowing some great man somewhere everytime I cross a bridge.  I'll leave that to Camille.

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