Yet they ignore all the great accomplishments masculinity has created. Dissident feminists like Camille Paglia and Christina Hoff Sommers state that too many feminists focus on masculinity as being the source of bad things like sexual preying and serial killings. And most feminists never have admiration and appreciation of masculinity. Paglia and Sommers assert that masculinity is the "most creative cultural force in history". How could anyone disagree? Paglia stated that when she crosses a bridge, in awe, she realizes "men designed and built this".
How many of you feminists here ever appreciated the accomplishments, ideologies, and ingenuity from men?
To me, if a feminist is able to ignore the innumerable great accomplishments and contributions from masculinity, while only focusing on the bad; to the point that society thinks of masculinity as being a pathology -- it allows me to believe that jealousy & envy of masculinity coupled with a feeling of self-inadequecy of femininity.