
Why do women get scared so easily

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Why do women get scared so easily




  1. PEOPLE vary as to how easily scared they are, and by what.

    Whoever told you ALL women are easily scared, and that NO men are, was lying to you.

  2. Why do men scream like little girls when they get scared?

    Now thats funny!

  3. I don't know but I'm easily scared.

  4. That depends entirely on the person. I'm not easy to scare.

  5. women are way more highly strung than men

  6. I know this one... It's because they don't have a proper Tennessee knife.

  7. Woman, is above all else, a body language creature.  Act differently than the crowd and most likely a woman will notice this before a man does.  

    Why?  My theory goes back to the Caveman er Cavewoman's day.  The men go out hunting and the women

    and disabled men are left to hold the fort, er cave.  

    Along comes a strange male...he is healthy and is visiting from a neighboring cave.  The women accept him.  But wait, there's someone else that has invaded their territory.  He's walking funny...irregular like he is hungry and eyeing the children!

    Quick, the women react, beat him and force him away.  He was just about to abduct one of the children (to eat.)

    Today modern woman is still scared of anyone who acts differently from the crowd.  

  8. I have seen some men panic faster than women

  9. Not all women, I don’t, it depends

    This is why we like strong brave men.

  10. I don't typically scare easily.  For the most part, the only thing I fear is fear itself.  Yes, I do have one irrational fear, one that either leaves me frozen or incites a panic attack.  That would be my fear of guns.  I cannot be in the same room as a gun, or the same building with a gun, even if I know it's unloaded and locked up.  I know exactly where my fear comes from.  Twice in my life, I had a loaded gun held to my head.  Once was by a boyfriend.  Not only that, but I was present when I witnessed a boyfriend try to shoot someone.  It took a long time and a lot of planning to extract myself from that relationship.

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