
Why do women get so pizzed off when you tell them you aren't the jealous type?

by Guest64653  |  earlier

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Everytime I date a woman and she starts to get close, the issue of why I never ask questions about who she's with or what she's up to when we're not together comes up. I always say the same thing: "What you're doing when I'm not around isn't my business; I'm more concerned with how you act when you're with me!"




  1. i would love to have a man like that...find someone who is not so needy. good luck

  2. because they want to know that you care about them and if you do they know that your into them as long as young not clingy. and if she knows you do get jealous if another guy is looking at another girl she knows your serious about her and are inot her. She will also feel protected.

  3. Because she feels that she could cheat on you, and you wouldn't care. Being a little jealous is always good, it shows you actually care about them.

  4. coz u dont care.... if you did care about her you would care what shes up to when she not with you...  

  5. I'm like this with my boyfriend, I admit women are strange creatures often hard to understand.

    The only way I can explain it is that it feels like he is not bothered what I would get up to and that he does not care for me or feel strongly enough about me to me jealous if I got with another guy. If he gets all jealous I feel so cared about and protected and like he actually wants to be with me.

    So they be getting the impression you are not serious about the relationship and do not care about them or feel strongly about them.

    Hope this helpd, like I said we are strange and often hard to understand.

  6. Because sometimes girls like that sense of having a guy that's kinda protective and will kick someone else *** if they dare to mess with them

    it's kinda s**y lol

  7. You make a really great point bro, I used to be insanely jealous, and all it got me was girlfriends who would always end up leaving me for other guys. Then I just stopped caring, and even when girls would call me and tell me they were hanging out with other guys, I just wouldnt care and tell them to have fun and I'd catch them later. I think that the reason behind why women want you to be jealous is due to a control issue. They want to make sure that they have some form of control over your emotions, so that they know that its possible for them to spin you around like a rag doll if they ever get mad at you. So basicly they dont want you to be the jealous type when things are going really good between you, because that'll ruin her mood, but she wants you to be the jealous type when your fighting so she can say she's going to go hang out with some guys you dont like, so that way your up all night pissed and angry and trying to call her lol. Women, who will ever truely understand them? Just do what I do, stay single, live your life happy and sleep with all of your exs who still look really good haha

  8. I don't much care for jealousy in a partner, but I don't think I care for your attitude either.  I would like someone who shows interest in what I do or who I'm with, when I'm not with him.  Not jealousy.  Just interest in my life.  I don't want someone to not care at all when I'm not with him.

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