
Why do women gossip? Is it because it's human nature or, is it because women are great in weaving tales?

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Why do women gossip? Is it because it's human nature or, is it because women are great in weaving tales?




  1. Women have 2 sets of lips.

  2. to pass time.  but it's not only women who gossip.  men do too.

  3. Women and men alike gossip.

    People gossip to feel within themselves that they are better than the person/s they are talking about.

  4. Human nature. Truth is boring. People always choose to live in falsehood. always choose in excess or less, the reason for their problem. (the spice of their life) that's why religion is trying to educate people.

    Women are just good in emotions not weaving tales or anything else

  5. Women have a lust for "dirt."  If it's not dirty enough, they have a knack to spice (stir up) the dirt to make it more "interesting?" (dirty)

    Men, on the other hand, have rational "discussions!"

    N  O  T  ! !    l o l

  6. YES!!!

  7. I'd say it's really fun and it just kills time. Its human nature for people to eventually get bored, and sometimes boredom leads to non sense like gossiping. Not everyone or every woman gossip but I'd say woman are the best at it haha.

  8. Not only women, but men also. They just don't exactly whisper in each other's ear.

    Everyone gossip for different reasons. It could be of jealousy or just plain fun

    and gossip just makes Desperate Housewives even a better show!

  9. Because sometimes we don't have anything else better to do!


    Actually, like most people say on here, both women and men gossip. But I think women have a tendency to be more malicious about it; whereas men do it just to talk smack sometimes. I think oftentimes we women feel insecure about ourselves (this is in a LOT of cultures I noticed) and we are also VERY competitive that sometimes we feel we have to put down others or put value judgements on others in order to validate ourselves.  

  10. That's why i love to watch Gossip Girl...hee....

  11. Men gossip too. The difference is that  the length of time spent gossiping. Women can  gossip the entire night and relish on  the  juicy tidbits. They  examine every angle and dissect every details  of that story, only to come the next day and  review it again. Men do not have the stamina  that the women have when it comes to gossiping.

    As for the reason, women feel relieved to know that  there is someone out there whose life/lives is not as perfect as they thought to be,or there is someone worst than them. For men, they gossip for information  purposes.

  12. Why you only ask about women's gossip? Men gossips too and if they gossip much worst than girls.

    People gossip for past time.

  13. women like to talk about anything, and everything. it's really just how we are, and it also helps to pass time :)  

    but unlike how you put it, gossiping is not an opportunity to weave tales. unfortunately, there are alot of people who do just this. they take advantage by conveying to others  what only they perceive to be true, stories about an unfortunate someone who happens to be absent from the group.

  14. gossips are news.

    people tend to broadcast what is happening so others may know.  

  15. insecurities, envy, jealousy, nothing else to do, sometimes lack of education, lack of self confidence, sometimes they think they're better than anyone else....enough said.

  16. Haha! I can assure you men could be worse. The notion of only women doing it, or more women doing it compared to men, probably came from centuries ago when women often had "nothing much to do" but stay home and pass the time opening their mouths. But well, times have changed. Men are losing their egos due to women taking over their jobs, so they start to feel insecure and gossip about other people. Of course, not all men do this, but these days, it's a draw :)

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