
Why do women hate prenupts?

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LOL I wonder why. Women will make up this BS about “you don’t trust me” and “it means you are planning for a divorce” but all of us men know it is because it ruins their plans of taking a guy to the cleaners if it doesn't work out! Period, it’s the truth. Is it a coincidence that over 2/3 of divorces are initiated by women.

So why do women hate pre-nuptual aggrements?

So I wonder what kind of excuses are you women going to come up with for this seeing as though I just eliminated their top 2 excuses.




  1. for love....real love=trust

  2. We don't.  I love pre-nups.  My husband had to sign my prenuptual conditions before we married.  Nothing wrong with a prenup when one person goes into a marriage with much more property / wealth than the other.  The only time it doesn't make anysense is when two people start off together with nothing and build it together over time.

    These days the only women who balk at signing a prenup are lower class, uneducated women who can't take care of themselves and sometimes religious women.

    Most of the people I know don't have prenups as they walked into their relationships with relatively the same holdings.

  3. Because it takes away all their firepower. It would be like asking a nuclear country to disarm. All the real love=trust BS is just that: Bullsh*t. As a man, you gotta think practical, women can be very spiteful and unstable when they get emotional and who doesn't like to get revenge or the last word in an arguement?

  4. because they want to make sure they get their money and make you miserable...=P

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