
Why do women have a much more narrow minded idea of what's sexually attractive?

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sure hot women often end up in relationships with guys who aren't exactly the hottest, but a lot more than lust goes into that. but when we are talking about pure sexual lust, there are very few types that women actually lust for, whereas men lust for women of all races, a wider variety of age groups, and are less picky on body types.

for example, the vast majority of guy whom women lust after are under the age of 25 and usually look like they're under 20. your typical adult man does not bring out lustful reactions from women. aren't women supposed to be just as sexual as men? what is the point of that if they only lust for a small percentage of guys, most of whom are too young for them?




  1. Because the media and society has given women all these stories and ideas of the perfect, athletic, knight on a white stallion images and they try to obtain that and will settle for nothing less.

    Same with the beauty thing.

  2. Well seeing as you are only 20, that says that you have not been "on the market" long enough to realize that your "the vast majority of guy whom women lust after are under the age of 25 and usually look like they're under 20" statement is incorrect.  I have no interest in a guy who looks under 20.  Sure, I like to look at a well-defined, muscular (NOT bulky body-builder) man, but his age has nothing to do with it.  The objects of my lust are always over 40.  Want to know why?  Because I have been with 20-something boys, and know that in most cases, they have no earthly idea what they are doing in the bedroom, and what they do know is done much too quickly.  The older men have had enough experience to know what to do, and how to make it last longer.  They are not in a hurry.  Every young guy I've known is in a big hurry, as if they are thinking, "OMG I got her in bed, I better hurry up before she changes her mind!!!"  The older man knows that once he gets her there, she has already made up her mind and knows what to do to get her there a second time... already planning ahead for the next time.

  3. I think that most men find young women attractive and don't usually even look at us women who are their own age no matter how good looking we are. I am middle aged but look younger. I keep myself in shape and don't have sagging skin or wrinkles.Yet men rarely even notice me!

    As for me, I want men in their forties because I don't want to rob the cradle and I also believe that younger men deserve younger women while older people should be happy with people of their own age.

    I don't mind what race a man is but he needs to fit my criteria in terms of physical and mental health. No fatties, baldies or sickies! And certainly NO LIMP LIZARDS!!!! IF a man is not sexually youthful, forget it!!!

    Be healthy, smart, educated and have a good job!

  4. Society presents 20-something men who are clean shaven and youthful looking to be the "ideal," so that may explain why a lot of women go for that type in today's society.  

    My sister goes for that look, but I prefer a sophisticated man who is masculine with a full beard- I even asked my man to please grow out his beard, and he did.  I also enjoy men who are in their 30s (I am 22 with a 34 year old boyfriend) because they are more mature and usually have more to offer.

    Women tend to be more picky on average because they are looking for that one specific partner to nest with, whereas men by nature are just looking for a woman who will have them.

  5. To be honest, I have always (since I was 16) been physically attracted to guys that are mid 20's (I am early 40s now) but if I want anything more than a romp (no emotional risk with the young guys), I look for a more mature man.

  6. Attractyiveness isn't just a persons face and body it's a lot more than that.  

  7. I think you're completely wrong. Some women like boyish types, some prefer rough types, just like some like tall ones, some short ones... gee, where did you get all this? Is this just your own opinion?

    Better revise it, because none of what you said made sense.  

  8. Because ideas of what is attractive are based on a male dominated society that dictates and impossible standard for women to ever attain.  And, men are not good at recognizing when they are NOT attractive.

  9. Haven't you heard that women can get a man easier than the other way around? This means that with more to choose from she can afford to make a narrower decision.

    It's just the way biological urges work and there's nothing to change it. It's like complaining about the weather.

    edit - That's not true about evolution, women are also wired to prefer youth for healthy reproduction. Good looking people generally choose good-looking partners and that's all there is to it. There's no point lamenting this fact. This 'urge' has carried over into culture.

  10. It seems to me men are more narrowed minded on this subject than women.

    Have you ever heard the way a lot of men speak of overweight women? If not, it's very uncivilized!

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